i need a way of heating calibartion fluid(1413uS/cm at 25degrees celsuis) in a conical flask +\_.1degree(plus or miunus 0.1 degree) for 20seconds. if any 1 can propose a simple list of sensors/idea of how i could achieve this it would be greatly appreciated. i need to put two sensors in fluid when 25degrees is reached i was thinking of a flask with major insulation and gel type gland to keep sensors in flask to minimise heat loss when set temp is hit. so i suppose i need a heater, accurate temp cut off, and i,ll use a stop watch to time, i also have an accurate fluke thermocouple which can go in gel gland as a second temp checker to insure 25 degrees is reached. i'm not gonna lie i'm kinda lost on this one??
i suppose having sensors in flask before heat is applied would be the right way
but i really just need a way of keeping temp constant for 20sec's
i suppose having sensors in flask before heat is applied would be the right way
but i really just need a way of keeping temp constant for 20sec's