Maker Pro
Maker Pro

computer wont start after plugging into french outlet

i forgot to switch to 230v when plugging in my american desktop in
france, there was a pop, and now it wont start. did i completely break
it or is there a circuit breaker or something i can fix


i forgot to switch to 230v when plugging in my american desktop in
france, there was a pop, and now it wont start. did i completely break
it or is there a circuit breaker or something i can fix

Most likely that you've killed the power supply in the desktop. There's usually
a fuse inside the power supply that protects it from such accidents, and
prevents a fire that might otherwise be caused by an internal computer failure
that could try to draw too much power from the supply. If you're handy, remove
the power supply and look for a fuse mounted on the circuit board. If it's
blown, replace it with a new fuse of the same voltage and current ratings. If
it looks like other parts are burned, just go to a computer store and buy a new
one for your computer, one that will operate from the local power source.
Shouldn't be very expensive... less than $25 USD or equiv.
Alternatively, order one from and internet vendor, but make sure that the unit
you order will physically fit your case and has the proper wiring. (Dell is
infamous for non-standard wiring of their power supplies).
Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

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