Maker Pro
Maker Pro

computer monitor repairing



Anyone now about the website which have learning about monitor repairin
from basic concept to advance troubleshooting for monitors. if anybod
know about it please send an email to

Jerry G.

Below, are some links. This is the best ever, FAQ about repairs, and how
electronic devices work.

You will find that especially with monitor repairs, most of the time there
is no access to many of the parts, and it is usually impossible to have any
service manuals. I myself found computer monitors not worth to repair, if
the problem is more than a simple cold solder connection, or an obvious
thing I can fix in a few minutes.


Jerry G.

Anyone now about the website which have learning about monitor repairing
from basic concept to advance troubleshooting for monitors. if anybody
know about it please send an email to

Kirk S.

I agree...

Even if I can't fix something easily, at least I learned something that I
can use next time. With the cost of them coming down so quickly, once you
invest in a service manual and spend a few hours looking at it, you could
have purchased a new monitor for the same relative cost. Or be like my
friend who purchases used 19-20" monitors for 1515-20 maximum at an
electronics surplus house.

If the problem is in the computer control circuits, it simply isn't worth
the expense to repair. Replacement flybacks are usually available however
again, the cost is usually more than the monitor is worth. My motto is that
if I am approaching 1/3rd the cost of a new monitor on the repair of
something old then it is time to cut my losses.

Of course, this is just my opinion, your mileage will vary...

Kirk S.