Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Component identification help

Hi Everyone,

New to the forum, hoping to get some help.

I need to replace what appears to be a diode of some sort on a 2.4ghz RF board as it has burned up. The board itself still operates however I am sure this diode had a purpose and would prefer to replace if at all possible. I however have no idea what component specs to search for. The first pic is of my board with the damaged component (upper right corner of board), the second is a pic I found online of the board with the component intact.

The markings 47 and 20V are not really bringing up any good search results.

Any help is very much appreciated.


  • 20140112_165418.jpg
    136.7 KB · Views: 94
  • FutabaSS_05.jpg
    20.7 KB · Views: 104


Hi there
welcome to the forums :)

its a 47uF 20V capacitor
relatively rare for those to blow unless you reversed the power supply ??

Thank you so much!

The RF module is from an RC transmitter I purchased from a buddy.....who is not always vigilant with his gear. It would not surprise me if he connected the tx battery with reversed polarity at some point, surprising it still operates.

Is there a particular one I am looking for?

Here are some links to what I have found thus far:


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There's probably not that much difference between any of them. I'd offer the normal cautions about buying from eBay though.

I'd be feeling very lucky that the unit still operates if it has had the power connections reversed.