Maker Pro
Maker Pro

complete electronics noob needing help with a personal project

hi all i really hoping someone can help me with a project ive been trying to work on for the last 4 months and have gotten absolutely no where
my project is to have a led light activated by a pir this part i have already completed it that pat of the project the second part i am really having the issue with
want the pir to activate a wireless remote to a receiver and trigger another pir and a buzzer approx 5 to 10 m away i have the pir set to stay on for approx 30 seconds which i think is ample time the isue i am having is trying to find a suitable wireless transmitter and receiver that will transmit a constant signal to the reciever and trigger the led light and buzzer and then switch off when the pir resets
can one possibly help me im really struggling with this
I would recommend a Zigbee module, like the one below:

You would need a breakout board, based on your design.

It can do serial communication very easily, but the main advantage for your set up would be the direct pin-mapping. Also called I/O line passing in the literature. Which means, you can tie pins together on several such modules and the digital state of each pin will automatically be reflected on the remote pin. Thus creating a virtual wire. Neat huh? :)

If I confused you, then consider a transmitter and receiver. If I apply logic 1 (3.3V) to a digital pin (say pin 6) on the transmitter, then pin 6 on the receiver will also produce a logic 1. If I ground the transmitter pin, the receiver will be grounded too. This comes in very handy.

The module also contains some PWM capabilities, has several of these pins capable of digital I/O, WITHOUT needing a MCU. Have a look and let me know if something isn't clear.

You would need X-CTU to configure the module.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The xbee modules are pretty expensive. I have used NRF24L01 based boards that can cost under $1 each. However you'll need a microcontroller at each end (I would recommend an Arduino Pro Mini clone).

However you really only want a simple interface so you could look at a garage door opener type of device.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, the simplest way is to have the PIR send a signal each time it triggers. The receiver could then keep the buzzer going for 30 seconds since the last message.

I haven't looked in detail, but something like this might be able to do the wireless bit.
If you would be looking for a cheaper alternative, you can get an ASK Transmitter/receiver pair for about $10. You have to pair this with a HT-12D and HT-12E which will give you 4 digital channels. You get them in frequencies of 315MHz and 434MHz.

Check this tutorial for complete details.