Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Compare photoransistor with photodiode?

Hello, i am junior student. I have question about electronics.
Compare phototransistor with photodiode in terms of Sensitivity, Linearity and Dark Current?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I guess for the three areas, the simple options are really just "Higher", "Lower", "Same", or "Does not apply".

I'll give you the hint that the last one ("Does not apply") does not apply :)

It may also be worth you defining what you will understand as the meaning of "sensitivity". Does it mean:

a) The lowest light level detectable
b) The highest current at a given light level.
c) range of wavelengths detectable

It could also (if you're going for a really good answer) discuss the saturation characteristics.

You might also consider if there is more than one mode of operation for these devices and whether that affects the properties in question.

I guess only you know what is appropriate, but the answer to this question might be between three words and your very own publication :)
Perssonaly, I preffer the photodiode. To use a photodiode in you circuits is the best way. In past I used phototransistor and it makes problems. If you do not need problems , use the photodiode.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The post above is a perfect example of something you should ignore.

It contains negative information (you'll know less after reading it than you did before)
BTW, the wikipedia pages on both these components gives a great overview as well as touching upon some of the pros and cons of using each device...