Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Compaq FP745 tft monitor


E. Sies

I am trying to fix a Compaq FP745 15" tft monitor, it appears that the
backlight supply is not functioning.
This backlight supply is a CADACES CDV0-1, that uses a 0Z629G fluorecent
lamp control IC, that doesn't show much activity, no saw tooth time base
Does anyone know this IC, as I can't find any site that provides
datasheet download, nor the manufacturer of this device.

Hope to get some tips, regards Erik Sies (Best, Holland)

Franc Zabkar

I am trying to fix a Compaq FP745 15" tft monitor, it appears that the
backlight supply is not functioning.
This backlight supply is a CADACES CDV0-1, that uses a 0Z629G fluorecent
lamp control IC, that doesn't show much activity, no saw tooth time base
Does anyone know this IC, as I can't find any site that provides
datasheet download, nor the manufacturer of this device.

Hope to get some tips, regards Erik Sies (Best, Holland)

The manufacturer is probably O2 Micro:

- Franc Zabkar

E. Sies

All who responded thank you, I also found in the mean time that O2Micro
is the manufacturer of the OZ962G and I mailed them directly (in the
USA) and they responded that this chip is obsolete now and they don't
have any IC available any more,nor a pin compatible successor, too bad.

Maybe, maybe someone might have still one or two of these OZ962G that I
might buy ?
