Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Compact Fluorescent Lamp - switch on current ?



15W filament lamp controlled by a tiny reed relay, on for a total of a
couple of hours a day. Been in use for 20 years or so. Decided to replace
the working 15 filament one with a 11W CFL but on first switch on, the
contacts ,presumably only 0.5A rating or so, held on at switch off.

A slight tap releases them but of course no good with continued CFL use
unless uprating the relay. Previously stuck contacts occured 10 years or so
back when the first 15W bulb blew, plasma arc current at failing switch-on

What is the switch on current of CFLs compared to conventional just out of
interest ?


Peter said:
Only proerly designed "power reed" contacts are suitable, a the normal
reeds are not any good for currents at amp levels. Having said
that, most CFL's have a limiting resistor input, so the input will not
be more than a few amps.

Stick to the 15W filament, your chinese made CFL will only last 8 months
before it overheats, blows your relay and dies, costing you 10 times the
filament lamp. Surge current on a 22w CFL is 1.5A

Franc Zabkar

15W filament lamp controlled by a tiny reed relay, on for a total of a
couple of hours a day. Been in use for 20 years or so. Decided to replace
the working 15 filament one with a 11W CFL but on first switch on, the
contacts ,presumably only 0.5A rating or so, held on at switch off.

A slight tap releases them but of course no good with continued CFL use
unless uprating the relay. Previously stuck contacts occured 10 years or so
back when the first 15W bulb blew, plasma arc current at failing switch-on

What is the switch on current of CFLs compared to conventional just out of
interest ?

Here are several reverse engineered CFL circuits:

The author writes ...

"During start is peak collector current about 3 to 5 times bigger than
during normal operation."

- Franc Zabkar


Here are several reverse engineered CFL circuits:

The author writes ...

"During start is peak collector current about 3 to 5 times bigger than
during normal operation."

I was turning a lamp off then on above the sink which normally runs 24-7.
There was a really big arc, but I don't remember if it was while
turning off or on. I have 6 outside CFL's on one switch. Never heard any
arc on that.

I understand that they can draw a lot more current near the end of their
