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Code approved grounding.


Gene the Skeptic

The majority of the outlets in my house are two-prong type. I am currently
transforming a spare bedroom into an office and I think that it is necessary
to upgrade the wall sockets to a three-prong distribution. The reason is
that I am going to have some electronics equipment around, a couple
computers, printers etc. and I know for a fact that many power supplies in
PCs are using the ground wire as part of the transient suppression scheme.
What is the best way to add a ground wire to the four outlets I have? I
examine the present house wiring scheme (build 1965, area: California) and I
noticed that the ground wires are connected to water pipes by means of
suitable clamps. Is this method still acceptable?


Gene the Skeptic said:
The majority of the outlets in my house are two-prong type. I am currently
transforming a spare bedroom into an office and I think that it is necessary
to upgrade the wall sockets to a three-prong distribution. The reason is
that I am going to have some electronics equipment around, a couple
computers, printers etc. and I know for a fact that many power supplies in
PCs are using the ground wire as part of the transient suppression scheme.
What is the best way to add a ground wire to the four outlets I have? I
examine the present house wiring scheme (build 1965, area: California) and I
noticed that the ground wires are connected to water pipes by means of
suitable clamps. Is this method still acceptable?

Better check locally for your answers. Best bet for the new loads is to run
new grounded circuits that are separate from the rest of the home's loads.

As for grounding, the water BONDING is still required and is NOT an ground.
There is usually an grounding electrode. Since CA has several different
climates and authorities you could have an UFER ground in the footing or you
might have an ground rod driven for you service ground.
Better check locally for the right regs and methods

Gerald Newton

Gene the Skeptic said:
The majority of the outlets in my house are two-prong type. I am currently
transforming a spare bedroom into an office and I think that it is necessary
to upgrade the wall sockets to a three-prong distribution. The reason is
that I am going to have some electronics equipment around, a couple
computers, printers etc. and I know for a fact that many power supplies in
PCs are using the ground wire as part of the transient suppression scheme.
What is the best way to add a ground wire to the four outlets I have? I
examine the present house wiring scheme (build 1965, area: California) and I
noticed that the ground wires are connected to water pipes by means of
suitable clamps. Is this method still acceptable?

I had the same problem back in the 90's. I lived in a house that had a two
wire system with no equipment grounds. I cheated and replaced a
non-grounding receptacle with a grounding type that, of course, had no
ground. I plugged in a surge protected plug strip and worked that way for
about a year with no problems with my computers and printers. However, I do
not suggest you do this, especially if you are transferring a bedroom into
an office. I believe California is on the 1999 NEC. I wrote the following
article based on the 1996 NEC and I think most of it applies for the 1999
NEC. This article was republished in a magazine that I don't get and may
have appeared elsewhere. It has been on the Internet for a number of years
in my article archives at

Here is the article:

How to Ground a Nongrounding-type Receptacle

by Gerald C. Newton

Many older homes do not have grounding conductors in
the older romex and are wired with two prong receptacles. So what happens
when you live in one of these places and want to connect your computer and
printers? It is hardly advisable to cut the grounding terminal off the plugs
and energize 3 to 4 thousand dollars worth of equipment without a grounding
conductor. Is there a way to accomplish this task without moving out? The
1996 NEC contains a load of changes on replacing a nongrounding-type
receptacle, and we might as well repeat this treatise here, just for old
times sake. It says in 210-7(d) -now I hope you are ready for this - because
it is a mouthful - Replace a nongrounding-type receptacle with a
grounding-type if there is an equipment grounding conductor available and
connect the grounding conductor. If there is no equipment grounding
conductor then replace with a nongrounding-type receptacle or a GFCI type
that is marked "No Equipment Ground," or a grounding type if it is protected
by a GFCI and marked "GFCI Protected" and marked "No Equipment Ground."

An equipment grounding conductor shall not be connected
from the GFCI receptacle that does not have an equipment grounding conductor
to any other outlet supplied by the GFCI receptacle, and an equipment
grounding conductor shall not be connected between grounding-type
receptacles that are protected by a GFCI type receptacle that has no
equipment grounding conductor.

Got that! Good. And they wonder why electricians are paid
so much. After all this we still don't have a grounding conductor for our
computer if there isn't one available in the first place. But wait, all we
have to do is go to another Code making Panel and see what they have to say
on this. Panel No. 2 writes Article 210, but Panel No. 5 writes Article 250.
And in 250-50(a)and(b) Exception it states, "For replacement of
nongrounding-type receptacles with grounding-type receptacles and for
branch-circuit extensions only in existing installations that do not have an
equipment grounding conductor in the branch-circuit, the grounding conductor
of a grounding-type receptacle outlet shall be permitted to be grounded to
any accessible point on the grounding electrode system as described in
250-81." And.... the 1996 Code will allow this connection at any accessible
point on the grounding electrode conductor.

So we can add a grounding-type receptacle to an existing
system that does not have an equipment grounding conductor and ground the
grounding terminal to the first 5 feet of water pipe that enters the
building if this pipe is metal and part of the grounding electrode, or
connect it to any accessible point on the grounding electrode conductor
(after the 1996 NEC is adopted).

Now anyone knows, you just don't run a wire anymore
without finding out all the rules that apply. Installing this grounding wire
is no exception. There are rules on the color, the size, the correct wiring
method, physical protection, and even workmanship.

Let's start with the color. The NEC tells us in two places
(310-12(b) and 250-57(b)) about the color of the grounding conductors. The
grounding conductor must be green, bare, or green with one or more yellow
stripes with exceptions for insulated conductors larger than No. 6 and
conductors in multiconductor cables.

Next, let's address size. The size is based on the
overcurrent device protecting the circuit. We use Table 250-95 for this. For
a 15 ampere overcurrent protective device a No. 14 copper or No. 12 aluminum
conductor is required. For a 20 ampere overcurrent device a No. 12 copper or
No. 10 aluminum conductor is required.

What about the wiring method? In general conductors must
be run in cables or raceways. Open conductors are allowed using several
wiring methods such as cable trays, concealed knob and tube, and open wiring
on insulators. But none of these would apply here. Exceptions have been made
in several places to allow the equipment grounding conductor for the
grounding-type receptacle that has been added to a circuit where no
equipment grounding conductor is available to be run separate from the other
circuit conductors and to run by itself without a cable or raceway. If you
want to follow the Code on why this equipment grounding conductor can be run
separate from the circuit conductors go to 300-3(a) and (b) exception, then
to 250-57(b) exception No. 3. To follow the Code on why this conductor can
be run by itself without a cable or raceway go to 250-92(c)(2) and the

To summarize what we have so far: For a 15 or 20 ampere
circuit we can run a No. 12 copper that is bare or green or green with one
or more yellow stripes by itself so as not to be subject to physical damage
from the receptacle grounding terminal to the grounding electrode as
described in 250-81 or, after the 1996 NEC is adopted, to any accessible
point on the grounding electrode grounding conductor . We can also use a No.
10 aluminum equipment grounding conductor with some restrictions found in
250-92(a). One restriction is where used outside aluminum grounding
conductors cannot be installed within 18 inches of the earth.

Next, we have workmanship. Section 110-12 of the NEC
requires that electrical work be performed in a neat and workmanlike manner.
There are so many different types of construction that it is difficult to
give any precise instructions on how to do a neat and workmanlike job. This
is where the experienced electrician has to judge for himself on how to make
the job look neat. For some jobs this would require that the grounding
conductor be concealed inside the residence or office. This can be
accomplished in some cases by installing it behind mop boards in grooves, by
fishing inside of walls to a hole drilled in the receptacle box, and by
stapling along basement trusses. But each installation must be evaluated in
the field to insure that the completed job is neat and workmanlike and meets
the customer's satisfaction.

There is one question that remains. We titled this
article, "How to Ground a Nongrounding-Type Receptacle." But we really
didn't tell you how to do that. Anyone knows you can't ground a
nongrounding-type receptacle.

If you are not up to doing all this work, there are
provisons in the the 1996 National Electrical Code for simply replacing a
nongrounding-type receptacle with a GFCI type receptacle that provides
additional safety. To see how to do this go the 1996 NEC change illustration
by clicking here. You will have to use your back button to get back to here.

© 1996 Gerald Newton. All rights reserved.