Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CNC Plotter

Γειά σου πατριώτη !

We have to speak english here so english it is.

WOuld you care to tell us in more detail about the project ?
Γειά σου πατριδα! Από ποιό μέρος του πλανήτη μου γράφεις;

As you said, we have to speak in english so other can undertstand us! I'm about to write down an article about this project, but i can give some details by the way.

This is a CNC Plotter, so that means that it can draw a picture which i "draw" using '0' and '1'. Let me explain that.. The code reads an array, where i placed the image. So, the procedure of reading is scanning the array, bit by bit, and when the bit is 1 the pen is down, otherwise whean the bit is 0, the pen is up. For every bit (even 0 or 1) the motor go 5 steps forward.

About the hardware.. The motors as i said in the first post, are coming from used CD drives. As we know two types of motors are in this part: DC motors or stepper motors. I used the one with the stepper motors. Theese motors are bipolar, give 4 wires output.
To drive the motors i tried mosfet in the first try and l293d ic in the second one. Both are working perfectly, but have in mind that l293d have more heat at 12v.

The up/down of the pen is coming from a device i developed. Pen is up when a micro servo go up and pen is down when this servo is moving down.. o_O

The whole construction is coming from an old IKEA rack!

Hope you like it!
(and sorry if my english are not in a good condition :p)