Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CMOS battery lasts only 6-9 months

The original CMOS battery in my laptop - a 2032 lithium coin cell -
lasted 5 years. Since then the various replacements seem to last
only 6 to 9 months. The laptop power battery gave up after 18
months and was removed from the laptop perhaps 3 years ago, so I don't
think the relatively short life of the CMOS battery is due to the
absence of the main battery.

I intend to solder an extra CMOS battery in parallel and in an
accessible location, so I don't have to deep strip every time.

I'm guessing the short life is down to brand and, if so, does anyone
have any recommendations for the best make of coin-cell batteries?

Many thanks



The original CMOS battery in my laptop - a 2032 lithium coin cell -
lasted 5 years. Since then the various replacements seem to last
only 6 to 9 months.

Where are you buying them from ?


Gareth Magennis

Eeyore said:
Where are you buying them from ?


I still smile at my naiveness at buying a whole bunch of "Duracell" AA's for
a pound at one of those pound shops before going travelling in India. When
my Maglite eventually needed a change of batteries, I discovered that every
one was as flat as a fart.



Nigel Heather


My wife's watch battery failed after 2 years. Thought I'd be clever by
buying a set of 12 batteries on eBay for the same price as a branded one.

The generics lasted a month each.

Gave up after I had replaced 3 and just bought a proper branded battery
(Maxcell in this case) still going strong 1 year later.


Where are you buying them from ?


Hi, One I got from Asda (UK), another I got from Wilkinsons - well
known brand - the other 2 I think from watch repair shops. That
said, all the time I'd been looking for Maxell. Certainly, this
time I'm not going to be fobbed off with "this is the best on the
market" shite. I'll search high and low till I find Maxell, after
all, that was fitted as original.




Hi, One I got from Asda (UK), another I got from Wilkinsons - well
known brand - the other 2 I think from watch repair shops. That
said, all the time I'd been looking for Maxell. Certainly, this
time I'm not going to be fobbed off with "this is the best on the
market" shite. I'll search high and low till I find Maxell, after
all, that was fitted as original.



It is fairly common for the leakage current to increase over time ! A
microamp-meter in series with the battery will show you what the
leakage level is. Don't do this with the machine plugged in ! In fact
unplug the power lead to make sure.