Maker Pro
Maker Pro

cmos 74hc debounce pull up resistors



I am looking to use a SPDT switch (center GND) with the NO and NC
contacts wired to the inputs of a 74HC00 CMOS NAND gates.
Is it necessary to tie both (NO and NC) inputs to power through a pull-
up resistor? I have seen this done on TTL circuits, but I thought that
the inputs on the CMOS had such high resistance that it would not be
necessary. Yet, I also read in many places that the inputs of a 74HC
cannot be left floating.
So im going to assume they need a pull-up resistor. Is there any way
to figure what the proper resistor value should be to ensure the input
is not in the invalid-zone between a logic 0 and logic 1 on the input?
Is this done simply by computing the desired voltage drop accross the
resistor? If so, the voltage drop would be very small and the resistor
would have a very low value, but this would lead to high current draw
on the input pin which is grounded through the switch... What's a good
value for a pull-up on a 74hc part?


usao said:
I am looking to use a SPDT switch (center GND) with the NO and NC
contacts wired to the inputs of a 74HC00 CMOS NAND gates.
Is it necessary to tie both (NO and NC) inputs to power through a pull-
up resistor?

It's certainly good practice if nothing else.

With CMOS btw, it doesn't matter if you tie up or down. Whatever suits you.



usao said:
I have seen this done on TTL circuits, but I thought that
the inputs on the CMOS had such high resistance that it would not be

You're missing the point.

Yet, I also read in many places that the inputs of a 74HC
cannot be left floating.

Yes, because if they somehow accumulate some electric charge, the resulting
potential on the input capacitance can cause punch-though of the insulating
oxide layer. This is not a good thing.



Ok, I see that the issue is static build-up. I understand that
floating the input could endanger the chip.
Given that I need to tie to either ground or power, how does one
determine the value of the resistor?
If all I need to do is avoid static charge, then a large resistor
could be used, thus keeping my current draw through the switch to a
minimum (it's a battery powered circuit).
Is there a specific resistance or some range of resistance which is
reasonable for a pull-up or pull-down resistor?
Do I just pick any old resistor value out of a hat?
Im searching for the criteria to determine what the value should be.

Spehro Pefhany

I am looking to use a SPDT switch (center GND) with the NO and NC
contacts wired to the inputs of a 74HC00 CMOS NAND gates.
Is it necessary to tie both (NO and NC) inputs to power through a pull-
up resistor? I have seen this done on TTL circuits, but I thought that
the inputs on the CMOS had such high resistance that it would not be
necessary. Yet, I also read in many places that the inputs of a 74HC
cannot be left floating.

I assume you're using two cross-coupled NAND gates to debounce the
SPDT switch.
So im going to assume they need a pull-up resistor.

Yes, you need two pull-up resistors-- one for each input-- to make the
input high when the switch contact is open.
Is there any way
to figure what the proper resistor value should be to ensure the input
is not in the invalid-zone between a logic 0 and logic 1 on the input?
Is this done simply by computing the desired voltage drop accross the

Well... if you look at the leakage current specs on the gate input
you'll get an upper bound on the resistor value. Eg.

Ii = +/- 1000nA (max over temperature), so for 4.5V supply we should
have no more than 1.35V drop accross the resistor, so Rmax =
1.35V/1E-6 = 1.35M ohms, so say 1M. Higher if you like to live
dangerously (typically, at room temperature, with no PCB leakage,
10,000 times higher will work, so even 10M is pretty safe in many

But if you don't care much about power consumption, a value like 4K7
or 10K will result in a circuit that may be less sensitive to
electrical noise, and may work more reliably with whatever switch you
If so, the voltage drop would be very small and the resistor
would have a very low value, but this would lead to high current draw
on the input pin which is grounded through the switch... What's a good
value for a pull-up on a 74hc part?

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

John Larkin

Ok, I see that the issue is static build-up. I understand that
floating the input could endanger the chip.

No. The chips have esd diodes that will stop the voltage from getting
much past the rails. The real issue is that the input logic levels are
undefined if the input pins float. Picoamps of leakage might
eventually pull a pin high or low at random. And if the input hangs
midwat between Vcc and ground, the input transistors could get hot or
the gate might oscillate.

1K, 10K, 100K, anything like that is fine.

Or do this:

SPDT switch

o----Rs-------------cmos gate input


Which is esd safe, uses zero power, and is debounced.

Rs, roughly 100 ohms, is optional to source-terminate the trace to the
gate if it's long and ns ringing might matter



Help me out a bit on this circuit...
The SPDT switches come in 2 flavors. Shorting and non-shorting...
If I use a shorted switch, then I will cross the rails for a few
If I use a non-shorted (ie break-before-make) then the input is
This is what I was trying to avoid, ie a floating input... Regardless
of it it's because of unpredictable output or because of static
doesn't seem to matter much, it's somthing I just don't want to do.
Also, if Rs is a low value, then will that cause any additional gate
current or is the gate current basically 0 anyhow regardless of the
size of Rs?

Fred Bloggs

usao said:
I am looking to use a SPDT switch (center GND) with the NO and NC
contacts wired to the inputs of a 74HC00 CMOS NAND gates.
Is it necessary to tie both (NO and NC) inputs to power through a pull-
up resistor? I have seen this done on TTL circuits, but I thought that
the inputs on the CMOS had such high resistance that it would not be
necessary. Yet, I also read in many places that the inputs of a 74HC
cannot be left floating.
So im going to assume they need a pull-up resistor. Is there any way
to figure what the proper resistor value should be to ensure the input
is not in the invalid-zone between a logic 0 and logic 1 on the input?
Is this done simply by computing the desired voltage drop accross the
resistor? If so, the voltage drop would be very small and the resistor
would have a very low value, but this would lead to high current draw
on the input pin which is grounded through the switch... What's a good
value for a pull-up on a 74hc part?

Do this and you have crackling sharp debounced switching, zero current
through the resistors, and a calculation-free process capable of
handling a SPDT or (ON)-OFF-(ON)...
View in a fixed-width font such as Courier.


Looks interesting. I can see how the resistor would only be accross
both rails for a short time spike, otherwise it would be neutral, with
a logic 0 (or logic 1) on both sides of the resistor while the switch
is stable.
This avoids the static pull-up resistor from pulling current on the
leg which is grounded.
I will try to run this through SPICE to see how well it works. (you
don't happen to have a spice model for this handy?)

Fred Bloggs

usao said:
Looks interesting. I can see how the resistor would only be accross
both rails for a short time spike, otherwise it would be neutral, with
a logic 0 (or logic 1) on both sides of the resistor while the switch
is stable.
This avoids the static pull-up resistor from pulling current on the
leg which is grounded.
I will try to run this through SPICE to see how well it works. (you
don't happen to have a spice model for this handy?)

If static discharge through the switch is your main concern then you can
select a switch designed for this purpose, the vast majority of panel
mount small signal stuff intended for applications like this protect
against ridiculously large static voltage discharge making it onto the
switch circuit terminals; that is just the first line of defense, the HC
family will take care of the non-existent residuals. And, nope, did not
run it through SPICE.

Spehro Pefhany

I am looking to use a SPDT switch (center GND) with the NO and NC
contacts wired to the inputs of a 74HC00 CMOS NAND gates.
Is it necessary to tie both (NO and NC) inputs to power through a pull-
up resistor? I have seen this done on TTL circuits, but I thought that
the inputs on the CMOS had such high resistance that it would not be
necessary. Yet, I also read in many places that the inputs of a 74HC
cannot be left floating.
So im going to assume they need a pull-up resistor. Is there any way
to figure what the proper resistor value should be to ensure the input
is not in the invalid-zone between a logic 0 and logic 1 on the input?
Is this done simply by computing the desired voltage drop accross the
resistor? If so, the voltage drop would be very small and the resistor
would have a very low value, but this would lead to high current draw
on the input pin which is grounded through the switch... What's a good
value for a pull-up on a 74hc part?

Do this and you have crackling sharp debounced switching, zero current
through the resistors, and a calculation-free process capable of
handling a SPDT or (ON)-OFF-(ON)...
View in a fixed-width font such as Courier.

. .---+-----------------------.
. | | |
. | | __ |
. [10k] '-| \ __ |
. | | o-+---------| \ |
. +-----|__/ | | o-'
. | '-[10k]-+-|__/
. | |
. o-----' |
. .--o-- |
. | o-------------------------'
. |
. ---
. ///

If you want to be beastly about it, use cross-coupled inverters and
forget the resistors entirely.
Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Fred Bloggs

Spehro said:
I am looking to use a SPDT switch (center GND) with the NO and NC
contacts wired to the inputs of a 74HC00 CMOS NAND gates.
Is it necessary to tie both (NO and NC) inputs to power through a pull-
up resistor? I have seen this done on TTL circuits, but I thought that
the inputs on the CMOS had such high resistance that it would not be
necessary. Yet, I also read in many places that the inputs of a 74HC
cannot be left floating.
So im going to assume they need a pull-up resistor. Is there any way
to figure what the proper resistor value should be to ensure the input
is not in the invalid-zone between a logic 0 and logic 1 on the input?
Is this done simply by computing the desired voltage drop accross the
resistor? If so, the voltage drop would be very small and the resistor
would have a very low value, but this would lead to high current draw
on the input pin which is grounded through the switch... What's a good
value for a pull-up on a 74hc part?

Do this and you have crackling sharp debounced switching, zero current
through the resistors, and a calculation-free process capable of
handling a SPDT or (ON)-OFF-(ON)...
View in a fixed-width font such as Courier.

. .---+-----------------------.
. | | |
. | | __ |
. [10k] '-| \ __ |
. | | o-+---------| \ |
. +-----|__/ | | o-'
. | '-[10k]-+-|__/
. | |
. o-----' |
. .--o-- |
. | o-------------------------'
. |
. ---
. ///

If you want to be beastly about it, use cross-coupled inverters and
forget the resistors entirely.
Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

LOL- heck why not...


I think that low-power consumption is more important to me.
I think the short spike in current will not be a problem, since the
nand gates will flip-flop to match the input state of the switch very
I was more concerned about some of the other more common circuits
where you have a resistor between Vcc and Gnd which is constantly
draining power.
Your solution only has a very short spike but then it's neutral and
shouldn't have any current through the resistor, as long as the gate
output is at the rail voltage.

John Larkin

Help me out a bit on this circuit...
The SPDT switches come in 2 flavors. Shorting and non-shorting...
If I use a shorted switch, then I will cross the rails for a few

Or milliseconds. Don't do that.

If I use a non-shorted (ie break-before-make) then the input is

But in real life, it will be high or low. While the switch is in
mid-air, circuit capacitance will hold the node in its old state until
the wiper hits the opposite side; then it will jump to the new state
in nanoseconds.
This is what I was trying to avoid, ie a floating input... Regardless
of it it's because of unpredictable output or because of static
doesn't seem to matter much, it's somthing I just don't want to do.
Also, if Rs is a low value, then will that cause any additional gate
current or is the gate current basically 0 anyhow regardless of the
size of Rs?

DC gate current is zero. The resistor will prevent nanosecond-range
ringing from transmission-line effects on the run from the switch to
the gate. I only mentioned it because sometimes folks get pickey
around here.

Please don't top post.


John Larkin

. .---+-----------------------.
. | | |
. | | __ |
. | '-| \ __ |
. | | o-+---------| \ |
. +-----|__/ | | o-'
. | '-------+-|__/
. | |
. o-----' |
. .--o-- |
. | o-------------------------'
. |
. ---
. ///



I think ill stick to the SR FF with the resistors between ground and
the output pins...
Looks like im good to go. Thanks for all the help.

John Fields

These take less wire: ;)

+--O/ O-+
| |
| | \ | | \
+--| >O--+--| >O--+
| | / | / |

| | \ | \ |
+--| >O--+--| >O--+
| | / | | /
| |
+--O\ O-+

Fred Bloggs

I prefer not to have floating antenna's in steady state. Also, the next
circuit (uses a non-inverting buffer) saves on wiring, and with multiple
switches you can wire most contacts in parallel:

+ ------o | \
---o--------| }---------------
GND ------o | | / |
| |/ |

Arie de Muynck

Flawed idea, susceptible to causing metastability at the receiver...

John Larkin

"John Larkin...

I prefer not to have floating antenna's in steady state. Also, the next
circuit (uses a non-inverting buffer) saves on wiring, and with multiple
switches you can wire most contacts in parallel:

+ ------o | \
---o--------| }---------------
GND ------o | | / |
| |/ |

Arie de Muynck

Yup, that's a nice one. And a cap to ground would harden it against
stiff transient noise spikes, if present.



"Fred Bloggs" ...
Flawed idea, susceptible to causing metastability at the receiver...

I did measure the bounce time and pattern of a lot of different switches and
relay contacts. Never saw any "first contact" below 100ns. That's enough to
settle even a good old CD4000 buffer. Do you have you any data on the

The circuit never failed me, even when using it to edge-trigger FF's or
