Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Clock Circuit from crystal oscillator

Anyone know a circuit that makes a ttl compatible square wave signal from a crystal oscillator?

I have a hex inverter and a 4Mhz Crystal Oscillator, but i have no ideia how crystal oscillators work and how hex invertes work, I just know that it is possible to make this ciruit with these things. Google doesn't tell me much about crystal oscillators.

any help is appreciated! Thank you

Harald Kapp

If you really have a crystal oscillator and not simply a crystal, then the output of the oscillator is probably TTL compatible. At least it will be a logic level signal. Have a look at the datasheet of the component.
What kind of hex inverter do you have? Tell us the type, better yet look up its datasheet to gain some understanding of the component. A hex inverter is simply a chip containing six inverters.