Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cling Wrap


Bob La Londe

Sometimes you have to put in a screw in a place that you just can't get your
hand in there and if you drop the screw you are totally hosed. I was
repairing a broken wire in my boat yesterday and ran into one of those. Of
course it's a stainless steel screw so a mag tip wouldn't work.

I couldn't find any of the screw holder screwdrivers I used to have, and it
was late enough I wasn't confident in finding one at any stores that would
still be open. I considered making one, but thought maybe somebody else
would have a better solution. I did a search for DIY screw holding
screwdriver or something like that and found a good tip that worked

Poke the screw through some cling wrap.
Place the screw on the screw driver.
Wrap the cling wrap around the screw driver to hold the screw firmly against
the tip.
Start the screw a couple threads.
Pull back the cling wrap and screwdriver to tear the screw through.
Remove the cling wrap.
Tighten the screw the rest of the way.

Its simple, elegant, works very well, and I wish had thought of it.


Sometimes you have to put in a screw in a place that you just can't get
your hand in there and if you drop the screw you are totally hosed. I
was repairing a broken wire in my boat yesterday and ran into one of
those. Of course it's a stainless steel screw so a mag tip wouldn't work.

I couldn't find any of the screw holder screwdrivers I used to have, and
it was late enough I wasn't confident in finding one at any stores that
would still be open. I considered making one, but thought maybe somebody
else would have a better solution. I did a search for DIY screw holding
screwdriver or something like that and found a good tip that worked

Poke the screw through some cling wrap.
Place the screw on the screw driver.
Wrap the cling wrap around the screw driver to hold the screw firmly
against the tip.
Start the screw a couple threads.
Pull back the cling wrap and screwdriver to tear the screw through.
Remove the cling wrap.
Tighten the screw the rest of the way.

Its simple, elegant, works very well, and I wish had thought of it.

Okay, that's friggin' brilliant and would have helped me out many times
in the past - had I been smart enough to think of it...

Just hope I'm smart enough to remember it the next time I'm in such a spot.

Thanks for passing it on, Bob.