Maker Pro
Maker Pro

circuitry to delay a square wave clock signal



Hi guys,

I am new here and am hoping someone can hep me with my 800Hz cloc

I need to time delay a 800Hz square wave signal by 0.3ms. What sort o
simple circuitry can I use to time delay my square wave clock signa
by this short amount of time?



Andrew Holme

PhilCBR said:
Hi guys,

I am new here and am hoping someone can hep me with my 800Hz clock

I need to time delay a 800Hz square wave signal by 0.3ms. What sort of
simple circuitry can I use to time delay my square wave clock signal
by this short amount of time?



You could use an RC low-pass filter followed by schmitt trigger, or, the /Q
output of a monostable (for a delayed rising clock edge). It depends how
accurate the delay needs to be.
If you want accuracy, and can live with up to 100nsec of jitter
(+/-50nsec), get yourself a good cyrstal-controlled 10HMz oscillator,
and and use it to clock your square wave through two D-type bistables.

Use an exclusive-OR to compare the outputs of the two D-types, and
whenever there's a difference, turn off the clock to the second D-type
for 3,000 ticks of the 10MHz clock (for which you will need a 12-bit
counter - in the past I would have used a pair of 74HCT40103 binary
down counters).

These days I'd find a programmable logic device with a least 14 latches
(which is pretty small).

Jim Thompson

You could use an RC low-pass filter followed by schmitt trigger, or, the /Q
output of a monostable (for a delayed rising clock edge). It depends how
accurate the delay needs to be.

I have a two-edge delay circuit around here somewhere. I'll post it
to a.b.s.e when I find it.

...Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson

I have a two-edge delay circuit around here somewhere. I'll post it
to a.b.s.e when I find it.

...Jim Thompson


Newsgroups: alt.binaries.schematics.electronic
Subject: Two Edge Delay (from S.E.D) - TwoEdgeDelay.pdf
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

...Jim Thompson