Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Circuitmaker circuit help



I have a simple two transistor multivibrator circuit that wont produce an
output waveform when simulated in Circuitmaker 2000. The actual constructed
circuit works fine. If anyone has an idea of what the problem might be I be
pleased to hear from them.

The Circuitmaker file is on alt.binaries.schematic.electronic

Subject: Multivibrator Circuitmaker file .CKT

Jim Thompson

I have a simple two transistor multivibrator circuit that wont produce an
output waveform when simulated in Circuitmaker 2000. The actual constructed
circuit works fine. If anyone has an idea of what the problem might be I be
pleased to hear from them.

The Circuitmaker file is on alt.binaries.schematic.electronic

Subject: Multivibrator Circuitmaker file .CKT

I can't view a CircuitMaker .CKT file, but I would hazard a guess that
you haven't established initial conditions to cause it to begin
simulation in a known state.

Oscillators rarely self-start in Spice simulators without a .IC
statement or a kick-start current pulse.

...Jim Thompson

Terry Pinnell

Jim Thompson said:
I can't view a CircuitMaker .CKT file, but I would hazard a guess that
you haven't established initial conditions to cause it to begin
simulation in a known state.

Oscillators rarely self-start in Spice simulators without a .IC
statement or a kick-start current pulse.

...Jim Thompson

JT guessed right. If you place a .IC at the base of either transistor
in your circuit, it oscillates, as shown here:

Kevin Aylward

Jim said:
I can't view a CircuitMaker .CKT file, but I would hazard a guess that
you haven't established initial conditions to cause it to begin
simulation in a known state.

Oscillators rarely self-start in Spice simulators without a .IC

Ho humm...simply not true for "linear" oscillators. I have several in my
SS examples. All start without a kick. I have rarely found the need to
kick start such oscillators.

The standard simple transistor multivibrator is a "relaxation" type
oscillator, with a stable DC state. Numerical noise won't get it going.
statement or a kick-start current pulse.

or....just use a pulse with a long on time for the power supply.

Kevin Aylward
[email protected]
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.

Alt Beer

Thanks for all replies.
Multivibrator now oscillating and getting the expected waveform.



Hello John,
Alt Beer wrote:

Since you gave yourself the name "Alt Beer", where do you get that
stuff? AFAIK it's really only popular near the city of Duesseldorf or
about 6000 miles from here. Can't buy Alt Beer :-(

Sometimes micro breweries out here try but it ain't the same.

Regards, Joerg

martin griffith

Hello John,

Since you gave yourself the name "Alt Beer", where do you get that
stuff? AFAIK it's really only popular near the city of Duesseldorf or
about 6000 miles from here. Can't buy Alt Beer :-(

Sometimes micro breweries out here try but it ain't the same.

Regards, Joerg
What is the current state of microbreweries?

Last time I lived near one, in the late 80's (hertfordshire) the owner
had a difficult time maintaining consistancy between batches, some
barrels would last for days before going off, some much longer


Winfield Hill

martin griffith wrote...
What is the current state of microbreweries?

Last time I lived near one, in the late 80's (hertfordshire) the
owner had a difficult time maintaining consistancy between batches,
some barrels would last for days before going off, some much longer

They do very well, one never gets a bad beer. I don't know how long
they store the product, but the two micro-breweries I frequent in
Cambridge have multiple brews on tap, and they're great. The several
small local beer companies also do well with their bottled products.

martin griffith

martin griffith wrote...

They do very well, one never gets a bad beer. I don't know how long
they store the product, but the two micro-breweries I frequent in
Cambridge have multiple brews on tap, and they're great. The several
small local beer companies also do well with their bottled products.

Ah, which Cambridge. Westpondian or Eastpondian?


Paul Burke

Winfield said:
the two micro-breweries I frequent in
Cambridge have multiple brews on tap, and they're great

Do they top ferment or bottom ferment?

Paul Burke


Hello Martin,
What is the current state of microbreweries?

Last time I lived near one, in the late 80's (hertfordshire) the owner
had a difficult time maintaining consistancy between batches, some
barrels would last for days before going off, some much longer

Near Sacramento, California, they are doing well. Most are growing and
quality is consistent. I like the taste of their brews a lot more than
from any mainstream breweries in the US. Unfortunately one micro
brewery, actually the closest to us, seems to have closed down. Sad,
since that was the place where we used to fill up our growlers.

Regards, Joerg

RST Engineering \(jw\)

Joerg -- I'm about 60 miles due north of Sacramento. Do you live in Sac?


Rich The Newsgroup Wacko

On 16 Jun 2005 04:10:21 -0700, in Winfield Hill

Ah, which Cambridge. Westpondian or Eastpondian?

Well, there's this one:
But I don't know the status of their microbreweries. It's a safe bet,
though, that there's beer there! ;-)
"A man and a woman got married. Although it is the first time for the
husband, it is the woman's second marriage. As they go to bed on their
wedding night, the wife says to her husband: "Dear, there's something I
must tell you. I'm a virgin." Naturally, the husband is surprised.
"You've been married before!", he says, "How can you still be a virgin?"
"Well, it's all quite simple," she retorted, "my husband was a computer
programmer." "What's so odd about that?", he asked. "Why would you still
be a virgin after a marriage to a programmer?" "Well", she said, "all he
did was sit on the edge of the bed and tell me how great it was going to

Alt Beer

Joerg said:
Hello John,

Since you gave yourself the name "Alt Beer", where do you get that
stuff? AFAIK it's really only popular near the city of Duesseldorf or
about 6000 miles from here. Can't buy Alt Beer :-(

Sometimes micro breweries out here try but it ain't the same.

Regards, Joerg

Hi Joerg, Duesseldorf. Went there for a few days and drank a number of
Alts while visiting local Christmas markets. Not sure if its available in
the UK though.



Hello Jim,
Joerg -- I'm about 60 miles due north of Sacramento. Do you live in Sac?

That would be Grass Valley?

I am in Cameron Park, about 30 miles east of Sac on Highway 50. Really
close to the CP airport runway.

Regards, Joerg

RST Engineering \(jw\)

That would be Grass Valley. I've had the 182 into Cameron Park Intentional
numerous times to fill up on mogas.


Matthias Melcher

While I lived in California, I dearly missed my Altbier. But then I found a
bearable replacement that is available at least in California in the same
quality and taste: Becks Dark. Yummy.

Not saying that I would pass on a micro brewery though :p


Hello Matthias,
While I lived in California, I dearly missed my Altbier. But then I found a
bearable replacement that is available at least in California in the same
quality and taste: Becks Dark. Yummy.

Yes, it is yummy. About 15 years or so ago I was always a bit grumpy
when I couldn't buy Becks Dark in Germany but only in the US, despite
the fact that it was brewed in Germany. So once in a while I took a six
pack on a flight to have the Germans try it.

Regards, Joerg

The Real Andy

martin griffith wrote...

They do very well, one never gets a bad beer. I don't know how long
they store the product, but the two micro-breweries I frequent in
Cambridge have multiple brews on tap, and they're great. The several
small local beer companies also do well with their bottled products.

In an effort to deal with my own beer addiction i have decided myself
to start a microbrewer. Only problem is that my brand new stainless
steel fermenter which i had custom designed and manufactured only
holds 100litres....I already want bigger....

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Charles Edmondson
RST Engineering \(jw\)