Hi All
In circuitmaker once you have created a new macro for a circuit symbol
and given it a major class name etc and it stored in the library how
can the major class names or the stored symbol name be
edited/renamed/deleted in the library??
A worked example might be the best way to describe this:
I have a symbol I made called ThickArrow, filed under User
Defined>Symbols. I want to change that.
1. Place it in a new schematic
2. R-click it and choose Expand Macro
3. D-click it to get the Edit Macro window
4. Change name to ArrowThick
5. Macros>Save Macro
6. Change minor and/or major class when invited (instructed!) to.
7. Use Macros>Macro Utilities to do general moving, deleting, etc.
See also the Help, particularly the sections I've arrowed:
Macros menu.Convert ASCII Library
Macro circuits:creating
Macro Copier
Macro devices
expanding <---
Macro libraries:updating 16-bit
updating 32-bit
Macro Lock
Macro symbols:adding existing models to
adding existing subcircuits to
Macro Utilities
Class Selected Device <---
Delete Macro
Expand Macro
Model Data
Macros menu:Convert ASCII Library
Expand Macro
Macro Copier
Macro Lock
Macro Utilities <---
Save ASCII Library
Save macro
Update Search List
Macros:creating new
editing <---