Maker Pro
Maker Pro

circuit to modify 120v ac mains to 1/4 wave

I need help to establish a circuit that will modify 120v ac mains full wave sine wave to either a 1/4 wave squarewave stepped wave form or a 1/4 wave triangle wave (sawtooth) stepped wave form with 120v ac output. i intend to use this output as the input for a project i am working on. thanks in advance for any and all help or advice you can give me. i am an in process self taught devout electronics advocate, ranks next to breathing

just a new info note to say that i found out that the type of waveform needed is a
modified (stepped) sine wave. however i still need a simple circuit to accomplish that
wave form. if any one has that circuit info I would ask you to pplleeaassee send it to me at

use an lm741 to delay the signal to time to fire the SCR into the load. use mc3220 i think to fire triacs scr