Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Circuit Diagram for Tannoy i30 iPod Dock

Hi All,

The SMPS in my Tannoy i30 Dock has failed and I have been trying to get hold of a circuit diagram for the thing.

Any ideas where I might get one?

Thanks for that - interesting site.

Not sure how to make use of it though - guest searching is not allowed and trying to follow the Register path, it says 'by invitation only'.


Sadly passed away in 2015
I'm not sure what you mean by "guest searching is not allowed". I'm a guest and I searched for Tannoy. But there were only four results, and none of them mentioned i30.

If you've tried Googling Tannoy i30 dock schematic, or Tannoy i30 dock service manual, then you've done everything I can suggest.