Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cicuit to add two to three DC Wind turbine together


I haven't play with circuits since I graduated from school a while ago and need your help with an idea for my son's science project.

We are building a small wind turbine which we have been able to complete successfully. Well to the point of re-wiring the motors and creating energy. We are using PC brushless motors some are 24v. Now my idea to create three wind turbines and connect them together... the point is that during demonstration the kids will have to blow all three fans to create a good amount of voltage to turn on a 5v light-bulb or something similar.

I haven't yet calculate how much energy each fan is generating by blowing into it. but I figured that 1v per fan may be good enough to at least slightly turn on the blub . Please tell me if I'm totally of track here. Also, what is the best method to add the generators together.
You would put them in series. But I doubt the energy you would get from blowing on them would be much. It might be able to light a high efficiency LED though.

BTW: 1V is not a measure of energy. You could produce 1V at 1uA or 1V at 1A and the energy produced per second would differ by a factor of one million.

Thank you so much for the quick reply, Bob. It's been a while since I dealt with electronics. May take the opportunity to pick it up as a hobby as it is extremely fun building stuff with the kids.