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Chile shake up.

  • Thread starter Lil Red Riding In The Hood
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Lil Red Riding In The Hood

Isn't 8.8 Richter Aa world's record in recorded history?

Phil Allison

"Lil Red Riding In The Hood"
Isn't 8.8 Richter Aa world's record in recorded history?

** Nope.

Chile had a much worse quake in May of 1960 - measured 9.5 on the
modified Richter scale.

3 others are known to have been larger than 8.8 going back to 1755.

Probably a great many larger earth quakes have occurred, but no seismographs
were available to measure them.

..... Phil

Martin Riddle

"Lil Red Riding In The Hood"
Isn't 8.8 Richter Aa world's record in recorded history?


Here's a list of earthquakes (that have been recorded)...

1960 Chile Mag 9.5

1964 Prince Willaim sound , Alaska, Mag 9.2

2004 Sumatra Indian Ocean Mag 9.1

You can sort thu the list here...


Lil Red Riding In The Hood

"Lil Red Riding In The Hood"

** Nope.

Chile had a much worse quake in May of 1960 - measured 9.5 on the
modified Richter scale.

That one, I would trust the declaration of, but it is difficult, as
that is one hell of a number on a log scale.
3 others are known to have been larger than 8.8 going back to 1755.

A reference that old, I would question the accuracy of the measurement
devices in use at the time, much less, their calibration.

Probably a great many larger earth quakes have occurred, but no seismographs
were available to measure them.

.... Phil
What part of "recorded history" are you having problems with the
meaning of?

Phil Allison

"Lil Red Riding Fucked In The Head"
That one, I would trust the declaration of, but it is difficult, as
that is one hell of a number on a log scale.

** No-one gives a **** what morons like you think.

A reference that old, I would question the accuracy of the measurement
devices in use at the time, much less, their calibration.

** Try reading the wiki - imbecile.
What part of "recorded history" are you having problems with the
meaning of?

** ROTFL !!

Recorded history goes back 6,000 years -

you completely asinine FUCKWIT !!

..... Phil

Bob Eld

"Lil Red Riding In The Hood"
Isn't 8.8 Richter Aa world's record in recorded history?

This quake is not a magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale. It is an 8.8 on the
Moment Magnitude scale. The two scales are similar but the MM scale has
bigger numbers at the high end.

The Richter scale is based on the magnitude of the displacement or the
amplitude of the movement. Each whole number on the scale is 10 times the
amplitude of the previous number so the scale is based on the log base 10 of
the amplitude.

The Moment Magnitude scale is based on the energy released and each whole
number is equal to 10^3/2 power greater energy than the previous number.
Ten^3/2 = 31.6 so the energy released is 31.6 times larger for each whole
number increase in magnitude.

It turns out that the Chile quake was 501 times stronger in energy than the
Haiti 7.0 quake.

Increase in energy = 10^ (3/2 * (8.8 -7.0)) = 501 times


"Bart the Fuckwit Fart "


ROTFL !!!!!

.... Phil

The Richter scale was developed in 1935.

So yes, your entire case is insane, and your entire skull cavity is
filled with nothing but CRAPOLOGY, boy.

So, yeah, I laugh heartily at your utter stupidity.

Phil Allison


** Recorded history goes back 6,000 years -

you completely asinine, FUCKHEAD TROLL !!

..... Phil

life imitates life

"Lil Red Riding In The Hood"

This quake is not a magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale. It is an 8.8 on the
Moment Magnitude scale. The two scales are similar but the MM scale has
bigger numbers at the high end.

The Richter scale is based on the magnitude of the displacement or the
amplitude of the movement. Each whole number on the scale is 10 times the
amplitude of the previous number so the scale is based on the log base 10 of
the amplitude.

The Moment Magnitude scale is based on the energy released and each whole
number is equal to 10^3/2 power greater energy than the previous number.
Ten^3/2 = 31.6 so the energy released is 31.6 times larger for each whole
number increase in magnitude.

It turns out that the Chile quake was 501 times stronger in energy than the
Haiti 7.0 quake.

Increase in energy = 10^ (3/2 * (8.8 -7.0)) = 501 times

That's OK. We'll all be hit by a 200 Teraton displacement effect rock
named Jesus soon enough. Maybe then everyone will wake up.



** Recorded history goes back 6,000 years -

you completely asinine, FUCKHEAD TROLL !!

.... Phil
NOT for earthquakes, you retarded, brain bent, pussified, sub-human
piece of shit!

God damn, boy! Get your doctor to put you back on the Thorazine.

Maybe then you'll stay the **** out of these groups, which you NEVER
have anything to say that ANYONE wants to read.

Your stupidity is beyond pathetic.

Archimedes' Lever

Sheesh, what's with the fractional exponent? Apparently they decided to use
a new measure but fudged it so it scaled sort of like the Richter. It would
have been better just to go with a new scale, would have been less
misleading -- escpecially for non-engineering types.
If the MM scale relates to energy and Richter relates to movement amplitude,
maybe they have the same distinction between them as between power and
voltage (or current) gain: a factor of two in the dB number. I addition to
the other stuff you wrote.

Except that Richter also describes the volume mass displacement, in Mega
or Giga tonnage. Even Teratons.

The wiki even extrapolates what they think the KT meteorite displaced.