Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Checksum NMEA sentences


Wout B

I recently received a question of a boat owner who had installed TackTick
Micronet and wanted to connect his Danaplus speed/depth instrument via NMEA.
The latter does not add a checksum to the NMEA sentences it produces, which
appears to be required by TackTick. As there are other instruments and
software whereby this problem occurs as well, I thought I'd share the
following solution with visitors of this NG:
With a single script-line, all Brookhouse multiplexers (latest firmware) can
be instructed to calculate and add an LRC checksum to sentences passing
through. This can be selective per channel, per NMEA ID and per Sentence ID.
The script is loaded at set-up and stays permanently in the multiplexer's
flash memory, until a new script is uploaded.
where ch is the mux channel and XXYYY is the NMEA ID and sentence ID.