Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cheapest/best place to buy electronic equipment/components?

Just about to start building my electronics workshop. I have a desk but nothing else. The only place I really know to buy electronics is Maplin and I have one near me.

Is there a better and/or cheaper option?
it all depends on what you need. there are websites that offer cheap products but watch their shipping costs. ebay might have some items for you although they will be secondhand sometimes. and lastly if you get really stuck there are trading posts.

it all depends on your location and what type of equipment you want. happy hunting
I wouldnt recommend maplin - they are overpriced and are very good at mishandling and incorrectly packaging. Here is a set of pics I sent them as part of a complaint:


Farnell and CPC are the main sites I go to now. There is also a range of science materials available from middlesex university's web site including some decent components. I just ordered some large packs of resistors for a fraction of what maplin charges for a tenth of the amount.