Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cheap AGM Batteries in Charlotte NC



If you're not too far from Charlotte NC and want an AGM battery real
cheap, you might be interested in this. These are Dynasty batteries
out of UPS systems at a local bank. I *KNOW* these are not marine
batteries, but for the capacity and price, some folks out there might
still be interested. As I understand it, the batteries are only a
year or so old, but were swapped out as part of the service contract.
I called Dynasty and was told that they wouldn't last as long if used
as deep cycle batteries, but should be fine for starting.

The batteries are 134Ah @ 20hr rate, 122AH @ 10hr rate, 475 watts
per cell at 15 minute rate. The price: $20. If interested, call
Stan at 704-522-1956. Sorry, I forget the name of his company. I
found out about him through a friend.

Specs for this battery can be found at:

Note that the connectors are bolts so you might have to modify your
battery connection, depending on usage.

I plan on trying one as a starting battery for my boat. I also plan
on trying one with a home-duty UPS unit that I consider disposable.
i.e. not an expensive one and would cost more for a replacement battery
than buying a new unit of that type. Since I don't need it anyway...
I know it will drive the inverter of the UPS no problem. I just don't
know yet if the lower internal resistance of the battery will cause the
UPS unit to overdrive its charging circuit and burn it out. But hey,
it's something to play with right? :^)

I wanted to post this in case anyone here is interested.


PS: These batteries are roughly 1.5" wider than a deep cycle 3"
taller and weigh 100 pounds.


UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply. Used to keep computers, phone
systems, and any other critical application running when power is
lost. Saw one last week that a company used to use to generate
220v to power the entire floor and it used 30 batteries. In that
case, the UPS was to keep power going long enough for the backup
diesel generator to kick in. This is not your typical home-duty
UPS. :^)

Seems to me that these would make decent 'house' batteries on
a boat. I don't know how long they would last in that application,
but for the price, I don't think one could go wrong.
