Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Charging plate capacitor to a high voltage


I have two copper sheets that are about 10mm apart from each other. The sheets are separated by air. I would need to impose a DC voltage of about 1kV between these plates. I would also need to be able to control this voltage by dropping it to around 800V in 10ms. Is this doable?
Sounds like the Casimir effect at first. I'm sure it's possible but I can't contribute too much to that, I'll give this a bump, hopefully someone can help.
The voltages you are considering are within the properties of easily available components.
You will first of all have to consider how to generate the voltage. This can be done by a boost converter from a low voltage or from a high voltage mains transformer. The capacitance will be very low so the current and energy requirement will be low.

To drop the voltage a specific amount, connect a discharged capacitor across the sheets. A series resistor will set the time that is required. The capacitance required will be about one fifth that of the copper sheets.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I'm disappointed in myself. I read Oseania's requirements and intentionally didn't read any replies, as I wanted to submit my own simple but clever solution. Instead I made myself another Vodka & Grapefruit, gave up and read Duke's solution. :D

Good thinking Duke!