Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Charging a 12v Battery with a 14v power supply

Hi everyone, first post.

My project at the moment is to fit an amplifier and battery into a 9 x 4.5 x 7" extension speaker from the 1940s. It will be powered by a 2.2Ah 12v sealed lead battery although I'm planning on having a DC power connector so it can be powered from the mains as well as by battery.
My plan was for the power supply to be dual purpose and be able to recharge the battery when the speaker is not in use. I know that the optimum voltage for charging a 12v battery is 13.8v but it's a lot easier to buy a 14V 2A DC supply off ebay, this should not damage the amplifier as it is rated 8 - 26V. Also the amperage of power supply is only 2A which is the same as the 12V charger I currently use.

So my question is this, will it be safe to use?
