Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Charger 220/12 volt and photovoltaic panel.



I am constructing house in Umbria, Italy, to approximately 1100 s.l.m.
I have previewed for the lighting system the 12 volt power with 4 Optima
batteries 75 ampere and the Luxeon leds 5 watt (they consume little and
also work when the tension cove), and the 220 volt with pure sine wave
inverter, 1 kwatt; plus I connect it to Supplier of electricity with a
semiconductor relè, 3500 watt; termocamino to legna/pellet of the
Jolli Mec Foghet model and warm water with solar panel and boiler of the
Solahart model 151K, already mounted. I have thought that blue
batteries OPTIMA, with Solver, are a lot indicated for the energy of
emergency why they have a cue many elevated 970 ampere etc etc. In
forecast that in 2006 I will install also photovoltaic panels I ask you
the suggestions and/or aid for what regards the charger (220 volt in Italy).

Please, excuse me for bad english