Maker Pro
Maker Pro

characteristic impedance and intrinsic impedance



can anybody enlighten me the difference between characteristic
impedance and intrinsic impedance?

Phil Allison

** Groper Alert

can anybody enlighten me the difference between characteristic
impedance and intrinsic impedance?

** Supply a common context - or else **** OFF !!

You self confessed NARCISSISTIC ****.

...... Phil

Anthony Fremont

Phil Allison wrote his typical philth
Please ignore Philth Allison, he is a troll. It is said that he is
singlehandedly responsible for ruining a couple of Australian newsgroups by
using the very tactics you just witnessed. He waits for a newbie to post
and then dumps all over them in hopes that they will never be back. Since
he is no longer welcome in that hemisphere, he has crossed the equater in
search of more plunder.

A little background on our friend philth:
He suffers from paranoid dellusions and, amongst other things, is said to
record all telephone conversations. Everyone is out to get phil, at least
he thinks so. The frightening thing is that he seems to think he's
significant enough to warrant it. Currently, he seems to be on a personal
crusade to have me killfiled across all of USENET, yet he won't do it
himself. Kinda hypocritical don't you think? As proof of my point, you can
now watch him explode into a rabbid fit.

Charles Schuler

Anthony Fremont said:
Phil Allison wrote his typical philth
Please ignore Philth Allison, he is a troll. It is said that he is
singlehandedly responsible for ruining a couple of Australian newsgroups
by using the very tactics you just witnessed. He waits for a newbie to
post and then dumps all over them in hopes that they will never be back.
Since he is no longer welcome in that hemisphere, he has crossed the
equater in search of more plunder.

A little background on our friend philth:
He suffers from paranoid dellusions and, amongst other things, is said to
record all telephone conversations. Everyone is out to get phil, at least
he thinks so. The frightening thing is that he seems to think he's
significant enough to warrant it. Currently, he seems to be on a personal
crusade to have me killfiled across all of USENET, yet he won't do it
himself. Kinda hypocritical don't you think? As proof of my point, you
can now watch him explode into a rabbid fit.


Anthony Fremont

Charles said:

Huh what? I assume you have him in your killfile so you didn't see the nice
"helpful" response he gave archie. Would that be correct?

Charles Schuler

Huh what? I assume you have him in your killfile so you didn't see the
nice "helpful" response he gave archie. Would that be correct?

Could be ... going to check my killfile. Thanks.

Charles Schuler

Charles Schuler said:
Could be ... going to check my killfile. Thanks.

Yes he is ... sorry about that.

But, this brings up an issue that you can perhaps help me with. How in the
world can we keep all of this sorted out?

My "Huh" was not a negative response to your post. It was just a "Huh."

Anthony Fremont

Charles said:
Yes he is ... sorry about that.

But, this brings up an issue that you can perhaps help me with. How
in the world can we keep all of this sorted out?

My "Huh" was not a negative response to your post. It was just a

I'm sorry if I came off short with you, I didn't really mean to. It's just
that it really bugs me that everyone aparently has PA in their killfile, and
then when he gets all philthy with newbies, no-one knows anything about it.
The newbie then thinks that's how it's done here, and leaves forever. It's
one thing for PA to do it in the groups of experienced people that know
about him, like SED. It's another for him to slither around SEB and pounce
on newbies for not being smart enough, or for not asking the question in a
way that doesn't confuse phil.

Charles Schuler

I'm sorry if I came off short with you, I didn't really mean to. It's
just that it really bugs me that everyone aparently has PA in their
killfile, and then when he gets all philthy with newbies, no-one knows
anything about it. The newbie then thinks that's how it's done here, and
leaves forever. It's one thing for PA to do it in the groups of
experienced people that know about him, like SED. It's another for him to
slither around SEB and pounce on newbies for not being smart enough, or
for not asking the question in a way that doesn't confuse phil.

Anthony, you and I are on similar tracks. I only post replies here ...
simply trying to help a bit.

Yes, he is a nasty turd.

Yes, I think it is just awful for neophytes to be trashed and turned off by

Thanks for the additional information. We have no important differences, as
to this newsgroup.

Best of everything to you and yours.


Bob Pownall

archie said:
can anybody enlighten me the difference between characteristic
impedance and intrinsic impedance?
A reasonably good place to start is

and a little further down on the same page:

Basically, characteristic impedance requires a transmission line, while
intrinsic impedeance requires a uniform media. So you can talk about
the characteristic impedance of a transmission line, but you talk about
the intrinsic impedance of free space. I think the intrinsic impedance
is also known as the wave impedance.

Unfortunately, my copy of Pozar, "Microwave Engineering" is at the
office, or I could quote you some text out of that. (And double-check
my memory at the same time...)

Hope this helps.

Bob Pownall


If u dont kno it, say u donno it u fuckin loser's hole..

Anthony n Charles:
Thanks guys, twas really enlightening:D

That was actually helpful man, also the links.
Thank you so much:D

Phil Allison

If u dont kno it, say u donno it u fuckin loser's hole..

** What a vile piece of sub- human vermin.

Google Groups really knows how to find these PUKES !!



...... Phil

Anthony Fremont

Charles said:
Anthony, you and I are on similar tracks. I only post replies here
... simply trying to help a bit.

Yes, he is a nasty turd.

Yes, I think it is just awful for neophytes to be trashed and turned
off by turds.

Thanks for the additional information. We have no important
differences, as to this newsgroup.

Best of everything to you and yours.

Sorry if I came across as though I was mad at you. I'm not at all. I was
just all worked up over philthy. Looks like archie will be staying. :)