Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Changing the RF output channel on Pana 3/4=in VCR?



This Panasonic NV-2110 3/4-inch VCR outputs RF on CH 5 or CH 6
(switch-selectable). There is no other choice of output channel. (This is an
(*old* VCR, circa 1973, much discrete circuitry.)

Is the determination of frequency as simple as changing the xtals for these
channels? (RF mod circuit uses two xtals for these channels.)

If I want change the circuit such that video is output to RF CH 3 or 4, is
this a straightforward xtal swap? Recal required afterward?

Has anyone done this before?



Hi Dave,

It is unlikely going to be that easy. Usually there are also some
resonant circuits, or at least one, and these frequencies are pretty far

Here is what we did: I bought a modulator at Radio Shack for about $40.
It's output frequency can be programmed digitally via push button to any
channel in the UHF range. Then video and audio is fed from the VCR into
that modulator. Its RF signal is fed into the house distribution and now
we can watch videos at any TV in the house.

Regards, Joerg

Kevin Carney

Not what you want exactly but, take the RF output and put it into another
VCR. Select Channel 5 on that VCR's tuner. It will now take your old units
Channel 5 and put it out on Channel 3 or 4 (switch selectable). Or use the
newer VCR's A/V inputs if the old unit has A/V outputs. You probably have a
VCR or two lying around, so it won't cost you much.


Here is what we did: I bought a modulator at Radio Shack for about $40.
It's output frequency can be programmed digitally via push button to any
channel in the UHF range. Then video and audio is fed from the VCR into
that modulator. Its RF signal is fed into the house distribution and now
we can watch videos at any TV in the house.

Hi, Joerg,
Yours is probably the most practical solution. We have several of these
machines (for back-up). When the current one dies, we'll probably not repair
it. My solution would require modifying each machine for CH 3/4, a pain.

Thanks for your ideas.


Hi Dave,

If you go for that just make sure the channel setting is not lost during
a power outage. The Radio Shack version we have does keep the channel
memorized. You can also select cable frequency mode or terrestrial
(normal) TV channels. But not VHF, it is only UHF.

Regards, Joerg


After reading all the posts so far, the question not asked is 'why use the
RF output at all?'



After reading all the posts so far, the question not asked is 'why use the
RF output at all?'

TV, not monitor. Input connector is only RF not baseband.


Hi Dave,

If you can live with Ch3/4 that would be even cheaper. But we couldn't
because we wanted to distribute into the house coax network and there is
a strong station on Ch3, and a weaker one on Ch2. Other than that our
box looks similar, except for a couple 7-segment displays and progamming

Regards, Joerg


You could also come out of the 3/4 " machine with video and audio.(I
doubt that it will be a stereo output) and put that into the ch 3
modulator and you will have ch 3 out. Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.
Kevin said:
Not what you want exactly but, take the RF output and put it into another
VCR. Select Channel 5 on that VCR's tuner. It will now take your old units
Channel 5 and put it out on Channel 3 or 4 (switch selectable). Or use the
newer VCR's A/V inputs if the old unit has A/V outputs. You probably have a
VCR or two lying around, so it won't cost you much.
That is damn ingenious! You see VCR's lying around for garbage pickup,
so you could get one for nothing.

Tzortzakakis Dimitrios

Is this a joke?You have a working 30-years old VCR?And you want to keep
it?Give it to seomeone poor.A brand-new stereo philips VCR cost only 95

Dimitris Tzortzakakis,Iraklion Crete,Greece
Analogue technology rules-digital sucks
dimtzort AT otenet DOT gr the return adress is corrupted
Warning:all offending emails will be deleted, and the offender/spammer
will be put on my personal "black list".

Tim Auton

Tzortzakakis Dimitrios said:
Is this a joke?You have a working 30-years old VCR?And you want to keep
it?Give it to seomeone poor.A brand-new stereo philips VCR cost only 95

How do you know the OP isn't poor?



This is a 3/4-inch VCR, no longer available new. Used ones are available on
e-bay for about $100, but they all will have the same issues with display
How do you know the OP isn't poor?

The organization is a non-profit, always a bit low on funds.

(Your question shows an enlightened view of the economic world.)

Kevin Carney

Many people never saw 3/4" Umatic Video Players / Recorders. I worked on a
lot of Sony, some Panasonic & JVC and a few NEC. Sony was the best and they
probably still have parts available.

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"We ought always to know precisely why a given job
is done in a particular way, and why it is done at
all, and why it can't be done more efficiently,
if it must be done at all."-- T.J.Watson


Tzortzakakis Dimitrios

Yes, you can search all US museums for that xtal.

Dimitris Tzortzakakis,Iraklion Crete,Greece
Analogue technology rules-digital sucks
dimtzort AT otenet DOT gr the return adress is corrupted
Warning:all offending emails will be deleted, and the offender/spammer
will be put on my personal "black list".