Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Changing Focus Issues with an IBM P260

I've been having some odd problems with my 21" IBM P260 since I got it
used but recently they've been worse. After its turned on it will
sometimes cycle its focus. slowly getting fuzzy to the point where its
unreadable and then snap back to normal focus right after, only to do
the same again and again. Other times it will quickly go blury and
click back to normal, making a loud pop noise when the focus returns.

As far as I can figure it might be a ground problem, some build up of
static charge or maybe a loose wire. Repair advice and help welcome.

Jerry G.

A defective high voltage multiplier, or a defective CRT are the most common
causes for this type of fault.


Jerry G.

I've been having some odd problems with my 21" IBM P260 since I got it
used but recently they've been worse. After its turned on it will
sometimes cycle its focus. slowly getting fuzzy to the point where its
unreadable and then snap back to normal focus right after, only to do
the same again and again. Other times it will quickly go blury and
click back to normal, making a loud pop noise when the focus returns.

As far as I can figure it might be a ground problem, some build up of
static charge or maybe a loose wire. Repair advice and help welcome.

Andy Cuffe

I've been having some odd problems with my 21" IBM P260 since I got it
used but recently they've been worse. After its turned on it will
sometimes cycle its focus. slowly getting fuzzy to the point where its
unreadable and then snap back to normal focus right after, only to do
the same again and again. Other times it will quickly go blury and
click back to normal, making a loud pop noise when the focus returns.

As far as I can figure it might be a ground problem, some build up of
static charge or maybe a loose wire. Repair advice and help welcome.

I've seen a LOT of 19" and 21" Sony monitors with bad CRTs causing
intermittent focus. Is it a flat screen with a Trinitron CRT? If so,
it's probably made by Sony and has a bad CRT.
Andy Cuffe

[email protected] <-- Use this address until 12/31/2005

[email protected] <-- Use this address after 12/31/2005