Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Change output voltage on a switching PSU

Hey folks, I am moving into a new house with a 3rd car garage I'd like to set up as a music room/recording space. I'm trying to minimize my use of mains power in and around this area and would like to use mostly 12v or 24v DC LED lighting as well as have 12v/24v outlets for things like the DAW PC and monitors. While there are plenty of options for setting this up, I'd like to also have a nice clean 9v supply for guitar and bass pedals. It's all too easy to get hissing or squealing in a recording because of a crummy switching power supply that can ruin a take. While the simple answer is simply to use a battery, I'd rather not have to keep stocks of 9v cells lying around. Also, some newer pedals are crammed pretty tightly in their enclosures and don't allow the installation of a battery.

Long story boring, I have a good quality 90w 12v DC switching power supply that I'd like to drop down to 9v DC. This unit is already capable of delivering all I need to run a large pedal board. If at all possible, I'd like to simply modify it internally rather than add components. Is this even possible or should I just find a good 9v PSU at the required voltage and power levels?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
there's a lot more to it than that, but its your problem.

in general you can change the output by fiddling with the feedback. There will be a limited range of adjustment.