Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cesium atomic clock


I am a junior researcher in electronics (novice, beginner , :( ). I intend to assure training for an engineer during his Final Project Study which lasts 3 months. The subject on which we plan to work is "atomic clock".

Can you suggest a topic in which we can use technology of embedded systems (especially STM32, FPGA, DSP) of course with keeping link with the main subject "atomic clock".

Thank you, in advance for your help which will be, without a doubt, valuable to me.

Harald Kapp

I think it's ou of your scope to build the complete atomic clock.
You can, however, build or buy a receiver to receive a standard time signal (e.g. DCF77, IRIG-B etc.). You can then use the embedded system to decode and display the time and date and possibly add extra functions like e.g. an alarm clock.
You might check the NIST website, (used to be National Bureau of Standards here in
the States). They're responsible for Standards for measurement accuracy.
We're tied into their 'atomic clock' (we use cesium and rubidium clocks here),
NIST is the standard by which all electronic measurements, and specifically for you
TIME measurements, are calibrated here.
Just a place to check for information you might be able to use.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You can purchase rubidium oscillators on ebay for a reasonable price.

These will give you a very accurate 10MHz (typically) and you can use that to derive lower frequencies very easily.

Some construction is required (not too hard) to create a power supply and monitor the output which tells you the oscillator is locked.


You can purchase rubidium oscillators on ebay for a reasonable price.

These will give you a very accurate 10MHz (typically) and you can use that to derive lower frequencies very easily.

Some construction is required (not too hard) to create a power supply and monitor the output which tells you the oscillator is locked.

indeed you can and I have done so for my amateur radio work for locking PLL's etc
