Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ceramic cased resistor


I need help in finding a ceramic cased wirebound resistor whose value is 100 ohm with a power of 3W, its dimensions are 20mm x 6.5mm, it's color is white.

Could you please help me find it?

Capture.PNG Capture.PNG
Thanks for your rich reply,

Actually, I'm afraid I am in the obligation of finding the same component for reverse engineering purpose. Otherwise i'll have to make a modification notice (approved by client) that will delay my project (even though the component you proposed would practically behave the same).

Another problem is the dimensions of the component: it should be exactly 20mm for design reasons, or else i'll have to make another modification notice that needs approvement from the client's client.

Thanks alot for your concern sir, looking forward for more propositions. :)
Without the manufacturers marking (I'm guessing 'JM' is specific to the value and construction rather than its source) you can only refer to the OEM as found on the parts listing.
But if you Google the 'key' part of my link (International Resistive) you will find a full spec sheet for the part - said datasheet is here:

where all the relevant dimensional details are shown. The body size is less important than the lead spacing/diameter for auto-insertion purposes and it might be less expensive (on a time basis) to seek a device that physically fits rather than an identical unit that may be, apart from being difficult to locate, obsolete as far as identical physical properties are concerned.

If your dimensions have applicable tolerances (everything does!) then I can only offer the above as a potential solution to your needs. Even I, as an independent, sit-at-home, enthusiast wouldn't/couldn't justify spending too much time on finding a 100% identical replacement. The pace of change is such that you'd likely be seeking NOS which runs the attendant risk of lack of sustainability anyway.