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cell phone batteries

depends on the phone
the capacity of the battery
How the battery has been charged in the past
Tons of things play a role in how long batteries last
I've seen battery packs on shelves in some stores for several years, that decreases
the life of the battery. You might look at your next battery pack replacement for a date
of manufacture, and not get anything that's old.
But as GreenGiant said, there are a lot of reasons why some last longer than others.
being same brand means very little. i could have a lipo battery and a nicd... lipo will last longer
if they are both the same then one might just have a better mah rating
if the mah rating is the same then age, conditions, exposed to weather, memory effect.... there are heaps of things.
if you have 2 identical batteries from lets say samsung, one is for the galaxy and the other for their el cheapo phone then also factor in which uses more power.
greengiant is right the list is LONG of reasons they last different times.
what do you mean by holding the charge? do you mean that they hold the charge for longer time when taken out of phone and remain idle? inn that case let me tell you taht i had some li-ion laptop battery cells ( cells in laptop battery).its almost 2 years that they have been lying idle. a few days back when i checked the voltage it didnt even change a little.

if you want to say that why same capacity battery last different in different phones, then it depends on the power consumption of the phone.if you are in a good network strength then your battery will last longer. I select the phone which has a good battery to talktime ratio. this ensures that it also radiates less harmful waves.

whatever other possiblities are mere battery manufacturing defects of duplicate parts.
It depends on the usage of phones. If you use it for calls for couple of times in a day and for long hours then obviously the battery will not take out for so long. And, it depends on the usage of internet as well.