Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cell backup question(s)


Blythe Noe

I have never used, or for that matter even seen a cell backup unit.
Of course I have seen them in catalogs and other publications, and I
guess the cell units are like any other piece of security equipment,
some better than others. Although I have never experienced a
line-cut, I am considering adding a cell unit to each of my existing
systems. I would appreciate any input as to which unit I should
consider. Also, how do the monthly fees work on these units: are the
"air" fees paid on a monthly basis? If connected to a Napco P9600 as
an example, how does the cell unit report an alarm if the land line is
out? Would the call go into the same receiver and account number? As
you can see, I know nothing about these units. Any help appreciated.
Thank you.

Bob La Londe

Most of the cell backup units are proprietary to the service fo the MFG.
There are a few that use regualr cellular voice, but they typically are not
very efficient for a variety of reasons. The only reason I would consider
one is if backup voice communications is desired.

For straight alarm uses the side band or control channel units seem to work

Uplink has one of the cheaper units, and they typically do not charge for
extra signals, but they mostly operate by a trigger operated input. I am
only familiar with the 1500, not the 1600 so take my comments with a grain
of salt. I have also had a high number of fail to test on their units.
Uplink suggests you set them up to be operated by the siren output to send a
general alarm or fire alarm depending on the coninuous or pulsed output from
the bell circuit. That can be a problem if you have silent alarms on the
premise. Then you need to setup a trigger output to trigger the
communicator on one of the other inouts for your silent alarms.

Telguard is Telular Corp's unit. The TG-100 is nicer and neater than the
Uplink 1500, and all of the Telguard units can report all CID or 4X2 signals
directly fromt he panel. Telguard does charge for extra signals, but if
things are planned properly that is not an issue. They have a built in line
monitor and are easy to hook up. They usually only communicate if the line
is cut. The TG-200 is also allowed for secondary communication for fire
alarm panels.

I have used both TG-200s and Uplink 1500s as sole means of communications
for burglar alarms on sites with no telephone service. It worked ok after
teaching the customer to avoid falses, but the Telguard was far superior in
that it translates the exact signals sent by the panel.

All of the control channel cell units I have looked at have a monthly base
rate, and most charge for additional signals.

I have heard of an issue with teh FBII XL-31 and some cell units, but I have
not expereinced it.


I have never used, or for that matter even seen a cell backup unit.
Of course I have seen them in catalogs and other publications, and I
guess the cell units are like any other piece of security equipment,
some better than others. Although I have never experienced a
line-cut, I am considering adding a cell unit to each of my existing
systems. I would appreciate any input as to which unit I should
consider. Also, how do the monthly fees work on these units: are the
"air" fees paid on a monthly basis? If connected to a Napco P9600 as
an example, how does the cell unit report an alarm if the land line is
out? Would the call go into the same receiver and account number? As
you can see, I know nothing about these units. Any help appreciated.
Thank you.

IMHO, the easiest to install, update, monitor etc. is the Uplink 1500
which will send either a burg or fire signal anytime the siren sounds,
and would be a good one to start with. It's extremely easy to install,
and is very easy to set-up. You access your accounts via the web.
Numerex charges you a small fee each month which you pass along, with
mark-up if you like, to your customers.

They also have a model 1650 which sends more detailed signals.

Here's a link...


Blythe Noe

IMHO, the easiest to install, update, monitor etc. is the Uplink 1500
which will send either a burg or fire signal anytime the siren sounds,
and would be a good one to start with. It's extremely easy to install,
and is very easy to set-up. You access your accounts via the web.
Numerex charges you a small fee each month which you pass along, with
mark-up if you like, to your customers.

They also have a model 1650 which sends more detailed signals.

Here's a link...


Thanks to all for the infomation. I talked with the people at Uplink
today, and between the above post and Uplink, maybe I know a little
bit more about cell backup. I also talked with my present monitoring
service, whom I have been somewhat disgruntled with for months. I
have several other questions that I would appreciate help on. It
seems that if I wish to use my present land line monitoring, and also
simultaneously have the cell unit to report (to the same account
number)then there will be an additional monthly charge by the
monitoring service of about $5.00 to $6.00. This would be in addition
to the $6.50 a month due Numerex for the cell "air" fee. Does this
sound correct, or do I have my findings wrong. I am presently paying
$6.00 a month for monitoring, and now have to consider these
additional charges. Seems that this could get out of hand rather
quickly. Also, with the Napco GEM 3200, how would be the best way (or
what are the choices) to configue the panel to trip the cell unit. A
call to Napco did not offer the answers that I need. As always, I
appreciate your answers. Thanks.

Mark Leuck

Blythe Noe said:
Thanks to all for the infomation. I talked with the people at Uplink
today, and between the above post and Uplink, maybe I know a little
bit more about cell backup. I also talked with my present monitoring
service, whom I have been somewhat disgruntled with for months. I
have several other questions that I would appreciate help on. It
seems that if I wish to use my present land line monitoring, and also
simultaneously have the cell unit to report (to the same account
number)then there will be an additional monthly charge by the
monitoring service of about $5.00 to $6.00. This would be in addition
to the $6.50 a month due Numerex for the cell "air" fee. Does this
sound correct, or do I have my findings wrong. I am presently paying
$6.00 a month for monitoring, and now have to consider these
additional charges. Seems that this could get out of hand rather
quickly. Also, with the Napco GEM 3200, how would be the best way (or
what are the choices) to configue the panel to trip the cell unit. A
call to Napco did not offer the answers that I need. As always, I
appreciate your answers. Thanks.

For that panel I think you are better off with a Telguard TG-100, its
cheaper than an Uplink 1650 and unlike the Uplink 1500 it will allow full
reporting if you use Contact ID or 4/2


Thanks to all for the infomation. I talked with the people at Uplink
today, and between the above post and Uplink, maybe I know a little
bit more about cell backup. I also talked with my present monitoring
service, whom I have been somewhat disgruntled with for months. I
have several other questions that I would appreciate help on. It
seems that if I wish to use my present land line monitoring, and also
simultaneously have the cell unit to report (to the same account
number)then there will be an additional monthly charge by the
monitoring service of about $5.00 to $6.00. This would be in addition
to the $6.50 a month due Numerex for the cell "air" fee. Does this
sound correct, or do I have my findings wrong. I am presently paying
$6.00 a month for monitoring, and now have to consider these
additional charges. Seems that this could get out of hand rather
quickly. Also, with the Napco GEM 3200, how would be the best way (or
what are the choices) to configue the panel to trip the cell unit. A
call to Napco did not offer the answers that I need. As always, I
appreciate your answers. Thanks.

I thought you were a dealer. If so, you shouldn't be charged anything
by your central station. If you're an end user, they may charge you
more, but if you're paying Uplink for the service you still shouldn't
have to pay the CS anything more. It's simply a form of double


Blythe Noe

bit more about cell backup. I also talked with my present monitoring
service, whom I have been somewhat disgruntled with for months. I
have several other questions that I would appreciate help on. It

I don't remember if you are an end user or a dealer -- Yes, I am a
dealer - for 41 years now.

In my area, digital monitoring (retail) typically starts at $18.00 on
up to $22.00 for normal installations --
I prefer to deal with monitoring stations that are distinctly reliable
and responsible and responsive to ME and my clients. I'm willing to
pay for that service and not willing to gamble on the welfare of my
clients, by taking a chance on using a
low-balling central station. Just as my clients pay a premium for the
benefit of my expertise, I expect to pay a premium for excellent
service from my centrals. If they're not making much of a profit,
they're going to have to
skimp someplace.

Yes, I too am paying a premium price, but I am NOT getting premium
service. I have been considering switching to a different monitoring
service. Have been with present service over 25 years, and they have
been getting worse each year. What do you think of the "COPS"
service? Got an email from them yesterday.

Also, with the Napco GEM 3200, how would be the best way (or >what
are the choices) to configure the panel to trip the cell unit. A
call to Napco did not offer the answers that I need. As always, I
appreciate your answers. Thanks.
With regard to the hook up to the Napco Gemini 3200:
As I had mentioned in my last post, it depends upon the number of
inputs your cellular device has and the number of backup signals you
want to send. If you want to send a cellular backup signal just for
burglary, you simply have to use one of the Pgm outputs on the 3200 to
trip the cellular. You may be able to trip the cellular directly ( if
it will activate on a ground trip) from the
Pgm terminal. Or, use the Pgm output to power a sensitive relay and
use the contacts of the relay to trip the cellular device. However,
....... if your cellular has a number of inputs and you want to send
backup signals for
Burglary, Panic, Fire, Low battery, Ac fail, failure of the 3200 to
communicate, etc, then you have to use the Napco RB3008 relay board or
RM3008 relay module. They are both the same unit except the RB is the
board only and the RM comes in it's own metal box. I prefer the RM3008
as it reduces the amount of wire congestion in the main panel. The
relay board is wired into the
keypad bus and can be programed to trip 8 separate relays activated by
individual or combinations of hundreds of events that the 3200

The first one you program may seem a little confusing, but Napco tech
or someone here can help you.

I used a RM3008 several years ago, but it was only to "Lock"
several doors at several preset times. It does work well for this.

I've used the Alarmnet 7845CZ Cellular, in the past, and have been
satisfied with them. As with most products that I use, I really don't
care what it costs, as long as it does the job, reliably.

I certainly agree with you on the quality and reliability of
equipment. That, of course, includes quality service.

So - let me present this scenario - If I were to go with the Alamnet
7845CZ, I would purchase the unit, and as I understand it, the
distributor would program it for me? And then, on a monthly basis, I
would pay Alarmnet a fee? Does the Alarmnet unit have the ability to
detect a "cut" or "dead" land line - or would this best be "tripped"
via the alarm panel (using the Napco RM3008)?
Would the signal then go into our existing monitoring account? Would
I be better off to send the Cell unit to a different monitoring
service? It is not just the installation of a single cell backup that
I am planning, but it concerns the installation of about 50 units for
a single customer. I need to have my facts together, and have answers
ready, before I go for my presentation.

Also, Jim, do you live in the St. Petersburg area? My daughter just
moved there 2 months ago, and I expect to go down to see her soon.
Would like to meet you . . . Thanks again. Blythe

Jim Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
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