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Maker Pro

Cell backup alternatives and AMPS sunset clause?



An email went around sent by the nbfaa (nat'l burg + fire alarm assoc)
a few weeks ago about AMPS and cell backup options (see part of it
below). just wondering what non-AMPS solutions are out there... i know
of two -- aes intellinet ( - invest $20k or so
up front in a local network that you operate, no recurring service
costs to a third party, just the cost of running the network yourself)
and ( - does wireless backup and web
control/reporting through a non-AMPS wireless connection, no upfront
network buildout costs but recurring monthly service fee to

does anyone know of other wireless options that aren't threatened by
the AMPS sunset clause? is honeywell coming out with anything to
replace Alarmnet C? or telular?

from Jan 5th 2006 NBFAA email: "The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) has established a sunset date of Feb.18, 2008, for the
requirement that cellular carriers provide AMPS service. This sunset
date is significant for you and could have an adverse impact on the
thousands of alarm customers that have analog cellular (800 MHz)
communicators installed in their homes or businesses for the purpose of
relaying alarm signals. This includes Honeywell's AlarmNet C, Telular,
Uplink, DSC's Sky Route, Numerex and similar cellular-based products."


Lou said:
An email went around sent by the nbfaa (nat'l burg + fire alarm assoc)
a few weeks ago about AMPS and cell backup options (see part of it
below). just wondering what non-AMPS solutions are out there... i know
of two -- aes intellinet ( - invest $20k or so
up front in a local network that you operate, no recurring service
costs to a third party, just the cost of running the network yourself)
and ( - does wireless backup and web
control/reporting through a non-AMPS wireless connection, no upfront
network buildout costs but recurring monthly service fee to

does anyone know of other wireless options that aren't threatened by
the AMPS sunset clause? is honeywell coming out with anything to
replace Alarmnet C? or telular?

from Jan 5th 2006 NBFAA email: "The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) has established a sunset date of Feb.18, 2008, for the
requirement that cellular carriers provide AMPS service. This sunset
date is significant for you and could have an adverse impact on the
thousands of alarm customers that have analog cellular (800 MHz)
communicators installed in their homes or businesses for the purpose of
relaying alarm signals. This includes Honeywell's AlarmNet C, Telular,
Uplink, DSC's Sky Route, Numerex and similar cellular-based products."

These are working well for me. Sell Sheet final 9-2005 small file.pdf
There has been many Alarm Dealers throughout North American concerned
about the AMPS network being discontinued as of Feb 2008 or sooner. I
understand that Rogers Wireless has already begun the termination
process ( for details). Many have been looking for an
alternative solution. I feel I have your answer...I am the Director of
Business Deevelopment for a company called Tela-Link Communications. We
are the very first wireless communication center that not only provides
a transmitter that installs into ANY new or used security panel but, we
own our UHF radio network, know as StraNet Radio Communications.
Tela-Link was developed over 11 years in Canada and now is expanding
throughout North America. This network is completely dedicated to the
alarm industry and we ourselves (Tela-Link) expand and own the network
that transmitts event and/or detailed reports directly to your
monitoring station without the use of a Cellular Clearing House. We are
the "New Solution for Wireless Alarm Transmission". I welcome you to
research into our company at our contact me directly
at 1-888-207-7827 ext. 238. I am positive it will be the best decesion
you make. Our Product, Our Network, Our Pricing, state-of-the-art in
everyway. You will be impressed!