Maker Pro
Maker Pro

carrier recovery in a QPSK receiver


Im really new to comms

can somebody pls explain

"how carrier recovery can be achieved in a QPSK receiver"

i check on google and every where i couldnt find the way !

pls help me out

thanks a lot

Jim Thompson


Im really new to comms

can somebody pls explain

"how carrier recovery can be achieved in a QPSK receiver"

i check on google and every where i couldnt find the way !

pls help me out

thanks a lot

It's a secret ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson

i did google on QPSK
but couldnt find anything on carrier recovery !

thnaks for help me

Google Advanced...

Exact Phrase box... carrier recovery

With all the words box... QPSK

The very first item... a PLL clock re-insertion.

You ARE required to think ;-)

If you haven't studied the professor's notes... oh well... what can I

...Jim Thompson
my bloody lecturer didnt give any notes in this subject area and gave
us this assignment :(

anyway i did the google advanced search

and i found this

Digital Receiver: Carrier Recovery

i saw that page earlier and it was all about a "The phase-locked loop
(PLL)" so i thought its not good for me :)
never heard of "phase-locked loop " before :)

thanks !

Ken Taylor

i did google on "QPSK", couldnt find anything on carrier recovery
You're kidding, right?? Try again with QPSK and 'carrier recovery' both
in the search term.


Michael A. Terrell

my bloody lecturer didnt give any notes in this subject area and gave
us this assignment :(

anyway i did the google advanced search

and i found this

Digital Receiver: Carrier Recovery

i saw that page earlier and it was all about a "The phase-locked loop
(PLL)" so i thought its not good for me :)
never heard of "phase-locked loop " before :)

thanks !

It sounds like you should be posting on if you don't know what a PLL is.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Richard Henry

Jim Thompson said:
Google Advanced...

Exact Phrase box... carrier recovery

With all the words box... QPSK

The very first item... a PLL clock re-insertion.

You ARE required to think ;-)

If you haven't studied the professor's notes... oh well... what can I

The very first time I saw a PLL circuit, I was trying to fix it. That's

Jim Thompson

The very first time I saw a PLL circuit, I was trying to fix it. That's

Yep. Hands-on beats all other forms of education.

...Jim Thompson

Richard Henry

Jim Thompson said:
Yep. Hands-on beats all other forms of education.

It was buried in the middle of an analog sonar analyzer. All kinds of stuff
in there that no one makes any more -- a delay-line time-compressor built
around a length of glass fiber, a D/A circuit built of discrete transistors
with two pots for each bit (the alignment procedure for that board had a
handwritten note in the margin - "I've got spurs that jingle, jangle,
jingle" - spurs being the nickname for spurious signals). That generation
of instruments was eventually replaced by all-digital FFT circuits that had
5V, 100A power supplies hung on the back of each cabinet.

Now it's all done in software.