Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Carrier Recovery and PLL for Square-16-QAM

  • Thread starter Matthias Seimetz
  • Start date

Matthias Seimetz


i was searching for good literature concerning
the carrier recovery and PLL-functionalty for
coherent QAM demodulation, but i could not find
so much about that.

There is a small chapter about this in Xiong (Digital
Modulation Techniques) about the 4th-power-loop and
decision directed carrier recovery, but for my
application in a homodyne optical receiver the 4th-
power loop is not appropiate, and i want to prevent
the use of a decision directed method.

Are there any other possibilities to realize the PLL
for QAM? I heard that it is also possible to use
the Costas Loop for QAM? Unfortunately i could not find
anything about it.

Can anyone tell me where i can find information about this?

