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Maker Pro

Car mirror heater pad

  • Thread starter Dave Plowman (News)
  • Start date

Dave Plowman (News)

Just as a postscript, a very kind US reader of this group sent me some
suitable pads, and refused any reimbursement. I won't name him, of course,
but would just like to say a public thank you.

They were of a different make to the originals so have given me a pointer
on getting supplies of these for other owners of my car in the same
position - I'm a member of a one model car club.

They appear to have been etched from copper clad Kapton sheet then
laminated with plain Kapton giving a thin and flexible but strong
insulated element. I'm hoping it might even be possible to make my own
using conventional PCB techniques, if I can find a supplier of smallish
amounts of this, or similar, material.