Maker Pro
Maker Pro

caps for mobo


Tom Del Rosso

Of all the types of electrolytics at Digikey or Mouser, which do you favor
for replacement of bulging mobo caps?


Of all the types of electrolytics at Digikey or Mouser, which do you favor
for replacement of bulging mobo caps?

I used Rubycon,

Here's where I got mine, He has other brands too.

I didn't get the kit, just replace the bulging caps.
The computer worked a couple years, then the HD died.

Just fired up a new computer build yesterday.

Tom Del Rosso

Michael said:
Digikey, Panasonic FM series is what I use.

Thanks. There is no parts kit at for this model, so I would go
with that because Panasonic has a wide selection. Only question is, ESR is
not even spec'd. The Nichicon is a couple of ohms. Any idea what the FM
spec is?

Tom Del Rosso

larry said:
I think a couple of ohms would be roughly 100x higher than normal,
unless the cap is small, like 10uF. For 1,000uF @ 10V, ESR is
probably around 0.02 ohm.

That sounds right, but oddly the mouser catalog has 1 to 3.5 ohms listed.

Thanks for all the info.