Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Capn Sound Problem -- WinXP


Len Krauss

Capn 6.1 alert and alarm sounds are enabled and work fine under WinME (on my
older PC) but there are no Capn sounds at all under WinXP (Home, SP1 and
SP2) on my notebook PC.. All the Capn sounds .wav files are in its
Chart_Sounds directory and each plays when icons are individually clicked on
the WinXP PC. But for some reason they don't play when the pertinent events
occur when Capn is running under WinXP. The WinXP system sounds work fine,
so this seems to be an application problem with Capn 6.1. Tried the latest
demo version of Capn (Mosaic) and the sounds worked just fine.

This is a repeat of a posting I made a couple months ago, in the hope that
someone might have found a fix. In a private email replying to my earlier
posting, one of the regulars on this newsgroup independently verified the
same problem with Capn 6.1, so I'm not alone in facing this issue.
