Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Capacitor Question - Repairing Circuit Board

Good Evening everyone, my first post so go easy on me. :D

I've always been one who takes things apart to replace single componets rather than the whole unit. I've taken some electronic classes back in high school so I know my way around them a little.

What I've got now is a circuit board from a newer refrigerator which controls the compressor. I've diagnosed a bad compressor relay and have it ordered.

Also on the circuit board there is a capacitor which appeared to have gotten hot when the relay stuck on. Maybe some sort of supressor on the 120vAC compressor circuit? Basically I'd like to replace it to just to be on the safe side. Problem is I'm familiar with standard type of capacitor markings.. (ie 15v 10,000uf). This one on the other hand is rectangular and has a lot of markings on it I can't decipher in order to find a replacement.

What I've got is this, however some numbers may be different because it was hard to read:

One side.

1uf 250v X2
132400 MKT

Other side.

250v UL1283
125v UL1414

Any idea where I can order a replacement?
How many leads does this component have?
The 1ufd 250V X2 has me wondering if this is two capacitors in a single package.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
No, it's an X2 rated capacitor. These are designed to be placed directly across the mains.

You're looking for a 1uF 250V (or higher) X2 rated capacitor.

Here is a place that just happens to have some on special.