Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cap charging time


★ƃuᴉɯǝɥɔs sʎɐʍlɐ★
Hey everyone I have a 440v 6800uf cap. I am going rectify house 110v AC to 110 DC so I will be charging the cap above to 110v DC. Can anyone tell me how long will it take to charge the cap above to 110v 6800uf with house electricity?


★ƃuᴉɯǝɥɔs sʎɐʍlɐ★
Thanks Steve. What would the charge time be on a 40V 34000uf cap that I'm charging with a 3, 13.6v car batteries in series (car batteries have 500amp btw)?


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ideally it would be near zero but in the real world nothing is going to be zero. Your wire gage, capacitor ESR, switching device transit time and any other resistance in the line are going to be your limiting factors.
