Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can Win 2000 word documents be converted to a Dos text ?



I use a 386 with Dos 6.2 for billing and document writing. The program
that I use is Word Perfect 5.1 For Dos. I also have alarm system
software on this machine which will not run on Windows as well as a
special modem to interface with my alarm panels so I need to keep this
machine for the time being. It also serves as a storage medium for all
my old invoices and proposals, which I have to refer to occaisionally.
Lately when doing proposals I somtimes do them on another machine
using Windows 2000. They do look better than dot matrix. After they
are printed and sent though, it would be nice if there was some way to
convert them to a simple text format that WP5.1 for Dos would
recognize. I could then transfer and store them on the 386 with all my
other related files. My son who is just itching to use the 386 for a
wheel chock says there is no way to do this but really is there?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.

Norm Dresner

Lenny said:
I use a 386 with Dos 6.2 for billing and document writing. The program
that I use is Word Perfect 5.1 For Dos. I also have alarm system
software on this machine which will not run on Windows as well as a
special modem to interface with my alarm panels so I need to keep this
machine for the time being. It also serves as a storage medium for all
my old invoices and proposals, which I have to refer to occaisionally.
Lately when doing proposals I somtimes do them on another machine
using Windows 2000. They do look better than dot matrix. After they
are printed and sent though, it would be nice if there was some way to
convert them to a simple text format that WP5.1 for Dos would
recognize. I could then transfer and store them on the 386 with all my
other related files. My son who is just itching to use the 386 for a
wheel chock says there is no way to do this but really is there?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.

Your joking, of course!

You've never used the program, have you?

Okay, in the entirely unlikely even that you're not a troll,

When you have the document open in Word -- I know this works in any version
from Word6 for Window on up and probably in most others too -- click on FILE
on the menu bar. Then click on SAVE AS. Then choose a document format
other than Word Doc. For almost all versions of Word there's a choice for
WP5.1-DOS as well as plain text and a hot of others.


Tom MacIntyre

Your joking, of course!

That would be you're joking...
You've never used the program, have you?

Okay, in the entirely unlikely even that you're not a troll,

Lenny Stein has been here, and a valuable contributor, for years, and
is no way a troll, and you left the "t" off the end of "event", which
you meant to type...the lesson is to try to not treat people badly.
Your knowledge set is not his...and vice versa.
When you have the document open in Word -- I know this works in any version
from Word6 for Window on up and probably in most others too -- click on FILE
on the menu bar. Then click on SAVE AS. Then choose a document format
other than Word Doc. For almost all versions of Word there's a choice for
WP5.1-DOS as well as plain text and a hot of others.

Host of others...good advice, but *.txt would've probably been the way
to describe what you were saying.

Sorry...nasty temperament today. I'm in a mean mood, and you are the


Norm Dresner

Tom MacIntyre said:
Lenny Stein has been here, and a valuable contributor, for years, and
is no way a troll, and you left the "t" off the end of "event", which
you meant to type...the lesson is to try to not treat people badly.
Your knowledge set is not his...and vice versa.

You're perfect, I assume? You've never made a typo? Bullshit!
Host of others...good advice, but *.txt would've probably been the way
to describe what you were saying.

Since the OP explicitly said that
">> it would be nice if there was some way to convert them to a simple...."

He really wants output in WP5.1-DOS format and was asking for .txt as a
compromise. Or didn't you bother to read that far in the OP before
Sorry...nasty temperament today. I'm in a mean mood, and you are the


I'm in a meaner mood and you're my sole benefactor today. Thanks.


I appreciate the advice guys, and thanks for jumping in to my defense
Tom but compared to what my wife sometimes calls me, being called a
troll is almost a compliment...Lenny.

William R. Walsh


Yes! This is pretty easy to do. File > Save As... from within Word. When
that dialog comes up, pick the file location, type in a 8 character name (or
less) for best results on the older system and then specify the type of file
you want to save as. Not only is plain text (ASCII) available, but you can
also pick from WordPerfect for DOS 5.1 (and I believe 6.0 as well) so that
at least basic formatting would remain intact between Word and Wordperfect.

By the way, tell your son that your 386 is more useful as a computer than it
is a wheel chock. :)

A really bad basement flood of nearly raw sewage was the only thing that
stopped the majority of those systems. I've never seen anything that could
mess up circuit boards like that did. All the ones pictured were functional,
powered up and running daily in useful tasks. Even then I cleaned some of
the rarer ones up and put them back into service.
