Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can somebody explain, why my message with 4 reply train disappeared?


Roman Litovsky

Hi to all:

Those who are familiar with this group, may help me, by explaining the
disappearance of my message posted on 6.18.04.

It caused the discussion I wanted to continue, but it looks that somebody
decided to kill it.

Any ideas?

Ken Taylor

Roman Litovsky said:
Hi to all:

Those who are familiar with this group, may help me, by explaining the
disappearance of my message posted on 6.18.04.

It caused the discussion I wanted to continue, but it looks that somebody
decided to kill it.

Any ideas?
Your ISP may not keep them for long. Your spam - sorry, post - is still
available through Google, for one.



Same here, Roman. The post is there and I am using Pacific Bell. Try to
unsubscribe and then resubscribe to this newsgroup. Then increase the
number of headers for download when it asks to, say, 200. That ought to
get the thread back onto your screen.

Regards, Joerg