Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can I make a tablet with an Arduino plus an Ethernet shield and a GSM shield?

I want to create a touch screen device that should run a simple program allowing him to display a window with buttons; A touch on each one should starts a counter or send an SMS to predefined numbers.

I want to be able to access the data generated with this device (SMS sent, values of counters) from other computers connected to a local network.

Can I make this device with an Arduino plus an Ethernet shield and a GSM shield? or a raspberry PI would be better?
I think you are more in Rasp Pi territory here. You could do it with Arduino, but you would be pushing its capabilities. For a Pi, it is no sweat.

PI is much faster on any task, so if you don't mind extra power consumption and price for the parts, its better. Arduino should still work fine if the use is not very intense, or you can use faster board like arduino Due having fast arm cortex cpu.