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Can Crusher - High School Physics Porject

My students wanted to make a "Rail Gun" or "Coil Gun" as a final project in our Advanced Physics class. I didn't think anything with "gun" in the name would go over well with the school administration. I think we should be fine with a electromagnetic can crusher so that is the current plan. I am collecting parts and hope to get started in a week or two.

So far I have some basic components and hardware. The only bigger item I have so far is a capacitor bank of 6 - 2400uF 450V capacitors. I was thinking of using a SCR to discharge the caps through the coil. The coil will be 4-6 turns of heavy gauge (2-4) copper rather than many turns of thinner wire (18-20).

We MUST keep cost down.

Any suggestions on what size/type SCR?
What do you suggest as the best way to charge the capacitor bank?
Any other suggestions?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I have a can on my desk at work that was partially crushed by the sort of thing you describe.

The device is known as "Box-o-bangs" and has other interesting attributes like holding a deadly charge.

Not the sort of thing I'd have around kids.
I understand it is lethal. The cap-bank can store over a 1kJ of energy released at over 500A. This is an Advanced Physics class full of honor students that will be attending top engineering schools in a few months. While anything is possible, they are as responsible as 18 year olds get.

I hope to get feedback from this forum to ensure safe operation.
Motorized screw action or hydraulics could also do the crushing without high voltages. Perhaps can be done manually with large levers. Once met a guy who turned aluminium cans into 1 inch cubes, believed used elaborated machinery. Was neat to see how convoluted the compressed aluminium can ended.

Would be interesting.. cans into a hopper trough rollers for a continuous extrusion shape -bar?-
The point of the project is not to crush cans. The point of the activity is to demonstrate electromagnetism, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, ...

It is an electromagnetic project for advanced students rather than making a "Coil gun", "Rail gun", Gauss Cannon", ...

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Yes, that has the coolness factor required to keep 18 year olds interested! And it demonstrates some real physics.

You don't need an SCR, use an old school throw switch like they used in movies to electrocute people, energize Frankenstein's monster, etc. It's not like it needs long term durability.
You don't need an SCR, use an old school throw switch like they used in movies to electrocute people, energize Frankenstein's monster, etc. It's not like it needs long term durability.
Very dangerous if you touch the contacts.



Hop - AC8NS
Any other suggestions?
An electro-magnetic ballistic launching mechanism is a much more practical project than an electro-magnetic "can crusher" that has almost no practical application and demonstrates very little physics.

Perhaps it isn't Politically Correct to use the word "gun" in a high school educational context, but this ignores the reality to which some of your "honors" physics students will eventually be exposed in a higher education environment. The so-called Military-Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about is very much deeply embedded within the hallowed halls of academia... going back to the World War II era, when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States of America out of an isolationist stupor, universities have been critical to developing the complex weapon systems needed to defend our country from aggressors and to wage war. The history of weapons development, and its association with higher learning, goes back a lot further, but WWII marked a turning point in the integration of academia and industrialization of weapons manufacturing.

From the MIT Radiation Laboratory work on radar microwaves, to the Manhattan Project's development of the atomic bomb, the USA has relied on top talents from both academia and industry to "bring home the bacon" to feed our national defense. I am hardly in that "top talent" category, but I have worked throughout my career with some pretty damned smart people who knew how to "get things done." This is not a talent that is taught in college. It is developed in the field through experience, helped along by those who came before.

A colleague, Hallock Freeman Swift, was involved in developing hyper-velocity "guns" to test whether or not astronauts could survive meteorite impacts while exploring outer space back in the 1960s to 1970s. Eventually this led to his involvement in electro-magnetic rail guns, and the Navy has since developed a version to be deployed "real soon now" on warships. Hal once bragged to me that the device he was currently working on in California could launch "one pound to Jupiter," which I presume was his boisterous way of saying the gun could accelerate a payload weighing one pound on Earth to escape velocity. How it was to be navigated to Jupiter was an exercise left for the student. Hal was big on grandiose ideas, but he also knew how to hire people who could get things done and make his ideas a reality.

There has been some speculation that rail-gun technology could prove useful in launching micro-satellites into low-earth-orbit (LEO) for environmental monitoring. Your physics students might be interested in learning that the smaller integrated circuits become, the more resistant the circuits become to acceleration damages. It would be an interesting exercise to compute the acceleration required to place a payload into NEO using a "practical" rail-gun length of, say, one hundred meters. Also, what would the discharge current profile have to be? What would the muzzle velocity need to be to breach the Earth's atmosphere and still maintain enough momentum to settle into orbit?

In Dayton, OH, Joe Rosenkranz owns a machine shop, Miami Valley Manufacturing & Assembly, that has been performing CNC machining of aluminum projectiles for the Navy "rail gun" test bed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, VA. The ones that I saw being manufactured, sometime around 2013 IIRC, were considerably larger than one pound, being more or less cube-shaped with dimensions on the order of twenty inches on a side. There are web videos available showing this "big dog" barking and making LARGE holes in armor plate steel slabs... several in succession.

My point is this: Political correctness aside, your students will learn a hell of lot more applied physics by building a small rail gun than they ever will building a can crusher. It doesn't have to be a hyper-velocity rail gun either to demonstrate the electro-magnetic principles involved. And it doesn't have to use thousands of microfarads, charged with thousands of volts, to produce an effective acceleration current. Most importantly, a successful demonstration will require a team effort. It isn't a one-man-band kind of project, buy it will require a goof leader to recognize design problems and assign apprpriate students to the task of solving those problems.

For extra credit, there could be a ballistic computation team whose job is to adjust elevation and azimuth direction to allow a projectile to land within a target bucket, say, twelve inches diameter a hundred feet away.
"You don't need an SCR, use an old school throw switch like they used in movies to electrocute people, energize Frankenstein's monster, etc. It's not like it needs long term durability."

I think I will pass on that option. As Bob posted, big safety hazard. I think a relay or SCR is the way to go.

Thanks for the info. Before teaching I worked for a defense contractor during the Reagan years (guidance system on the Multiple Launch Rocket System). It was part of the GPS system.

Besides the PC concerns another issue at this point is time. An "electromagnetic accelerator" would take more time to design and construct than the simpler "can crusher"


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I understand it is lethal. ... While anything is possible, they are as responsible as 18 year olds get.

I hope to get feedback from this forum to ensure safe operation.

Ok, I was the one responsible for banning the operation of such a device at our hackerspace until it was made safe (ish).

Things that were done include:
  • Enclosing the device
  • Adding a beacon to indicate power is on
  • Permanently connected bleed resistors which will discharge the caps to a safe voltage in about 2 minutes of nothing else happens.
  • Permanently connected load across the output which will discharge the unit in about 1 second if the bangy load goes open circuit.
  • Remotely operated controls for charging and firing.
  • Blast shield to protect the operator and spectators.
  • Eye protection for the operator.
  • Hearing protection for the operator and spectators
  • Prominent display of capacitor bank voltage
  • Pneumatically operated switch to transfer power to the load.
  • Automatic dumping of the capacitor bank if power is lost.
  • No operation by untrained people.
  • Maintenance of a safe distance between device and all people when powered on.
We should also have interlocks on the covers which remove power and dump the caps, but they are not done yet. I consider that our device, when operated according to our procedures is not much more dangerous than other power tools like routers and lathes.


Hop - AC8NS
...until it was made safe (ish).
That's always the problem when experimenting with high-energy devices of any kind. Safe is very much a relative attribute. Anticipating, and allowing for consequences, helps to make things safer, but every time someone tries to make something "idiot proof" a better idiot comes along to defeat it.

I do like the idea of high school students building, and explaining, an electro-magnetic can crusher. The same principles they will discover are relevant both to the Navy rail gun as well as high-energy pulse engineering, which is "Big Science" mostly Government funded and conducted at the National Laboratories.

Each time the Navy rail gun is fired, humongous forces are created in the wiring to the rails and between the rails themselves. A major part of the engineering design is figuring out ways to allow for those forces. Early versions of synchrotron research were performed at the Australian National University using a copper disk spinning in a strong magnetic field aligned with the axis of rotation. This configuration constituted a homo-polar generator capable of producing two-million ampere pulses while decelerating the spinning disk. We considered proposing this as a portable power source for a vehicle mounted rail gun in the 1960s, possibly spinning up the disk with a gas turbine engine. However, weapons-grade rail guns did not exist then, and there were problems associated with switching two million ampere currents.


Rotator from the Canberra Homopolar Generator, developed during 1951-1964 at the Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University, under the direction of Sir Mark Oliphant. The CMG was dismantled in 1985. Certain parts were constructed into an artwork, and placed beside the school.

With the availability of rare-earth "super-magnets" comes the possibility of constructing a can crusher excited by a homo-polar generator. This would replace the somewhat dangerous high-voltage capacitors with a rotating copper disk. The electrical circuit could be completed with a "hockey puck" SCR which is capable of switching tens of thousands of amperes on a pulse basis. These are now commonly used in capacitance-discharge welders as well as large three-phase motor controllers, Might be a little pricey unless you can find one in used condition. A fast-operating mechanical switch might be good enough for a can crusher, but a triggered arc gap for high-voltage capacitor discharges is cheaper and probably more reliable. Building a triggered arc gap is itself a challenging project.

Anyhoo... sounds like a lot of fun. Please follow-up with photos of what the class built, maybe post a YouTube video of the can crusher in operation.


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Things that were done include:
  • Enclosing the device
  • Adding a beacon to indicate power is on
  • Permanently connected bleed resistors which will discharge the caps to a safe voltage in about 2 minutes of nothing else happens.
  • Permanently connected load across the output which will discharge the unit in about 1 second if the bangy load goes open circuit.
  • Remotely operated controls for charging and firing.
  • Blast shield to protect the operator and spectators.
  • Eye protection for the operator.
  • Hearing protection for the operator and spectators
  • Prominent display of capacitor bank voltage
  • Pneumatically operated switch to transfer power to the load.
  • Automatic dumping of the capacitor bank if power is lost.
  • No operation by untrained people.
  • Maintenance of a safe distance between device and all people when powered on.
We should also have interlocks on the covers which remove power and dump the caps, but they are not done yet. I consider that our device, when operated according to our procedures is not much more dangerous than other power tools like routers and lathes.

Thanks for the safety checklist most of the items were already on my list including cover switches. I was planning on dual safety switches so Two operators are required. Looking at four groups of students working as a larger team:

Electrical Engineers
Mechanical Engineers
Safety Engineers
Data aquisition and analysis scientist