Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Can Asus GT 520 be underclocked ? (also GT 520 versus Haswell GPU performance ?)


Skybuck Flying


I purchased a Asus GT 520 a while ago... it's a nice graphics card... it's
passively cooled... it has 1 GB of ram... it can run startrek online and
company of heroes and warcraft frozen throne.

It cannot run battlefield 3 and any other new shooters at least not at
1920x1200 so it's still lacking a bit in that regards.... but at least it's
low power.....

I do wonder how the haswell integrated GPU compares to the GT 520 at the
gaming front. The GT 520 can do cuda, which intel can probably not.

If intel really wants to kill of nvidia's cuda then they would have to
support CUDA in their processors. Or come up with something better by
themselfes ;)

But now I am deviating from my question:

The GT 520 is running a bit hot during this European heatwave... it's always
a bit hot... 45 degrees with maximums of 52 degrees.

My winfast motherboard was set to shutdown at 50 degrees... but apperently
this only applies to the CPU.

The CPU has been underclocked to prevent overheat and so far it's working
swell... can still play frozen throne and coh without problems so far.

But now the question:

Can the GT 520 be underclocked ? The only thing I have seen so far and not
tried yet is HT (hyper transport) multiplier tuning it down from auto/5x to
maybe 1x ?

So HT is responsible for bandwidth between cpu and gpu... so I wonder... if
HT is tuned down... would this reduce heat ?

If not... what other options are there to make the GPU run cooler by
tweaking settings in bios ? (Also windows 7 does not have power options for
the graphics card/gpu ?!)

Is there any other graphics card from NVIDIA which can be underclocked ?

Maybe it requires special motherboards/bioses ?

I am all ears.

If no solution available then I would have to request this feature for
future graphics card from nvidia !
