Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Camcorder Vertical Scroll - Sony TR81


Al Franz

Have a Sony TR81 H8 Camcorder which when I record it plays back with
vertical scroll throughout the video. Is there an adjustment for something
like this?

Jumpster Jiver

Al said:
Have a Sony TR81 H8 Camcorder which when I record it plays back with
vertical scroll throughout the video. Is there an adjustment for something
like this?
First it should receive a thorough proper cleaning. Then the alignment
and tightness of the guide posts should be checked and adjusted if
It's common for the guide posts to loosen, fall out of adjustment, and
then the tapes are recorded at various different levels of misalignment.
Often, the recordings can't be salvaged.

Mark D. Zacharias

Is it possible for anyone to provide instructions on tightening the
guide posts?

These are relatively precise adjustments. The alignment may indeed be off a
bit, or one of the guides might be broken or not loading correctly - but
simply "tightening" them down will make the situation worse, not better.

Mark Z.