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Call for Session Proposals: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science WCECS 2007

Call for Special Session Proposals From:
IAENG International Association of Engineers (
Engineering Letters (
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science

World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science WCECS 2007
San Francisco, USA, 24-26 October, 2007

The organizing committee of the WCECS 2007 invites proposals for the
congress. Or, the qualified researchers are also welcome to join the
existing conference committee. The interested scholars are welcome to
send their proposal and the brief C.V. to

The session organizers will have the discretion of editing selected
papers into books or special journal issues. The sessions will be held
on the same date and venue as the congress.

The WCECS 2007 is organized by the International Association of
Engineers (IAENG), a non-profit international association for the
engineers and the computer scientists. The conference has the focus on
the frontier topics in the theoretical and applied engineering and
computer science subjects.

The WCECS 2007 is composed of 15 conferences (all will be held at the
same location and date). The WCECS conferences serve as good platforms
for our members and the entire engineering community to meet with each
other and to exchange ideas. The last IAENG 2006 conferences have
attracted more than four hundred participants from over 30 countries.
Our committees have been formed with over one hundred and sixty
workshops co-chairs and committees members who are mainly research
center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, and research
scientists from over 20 countries.

The conference proceedings will be published by IAENG (ISBN:
978-988-98671-6-4) in hardcopy. The full-text congress proceeding will
be indexed in major database indexes so that it can be assessed easily.
The Technology Research Databases (TRD) of CSA (Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts) and Computer Science Bibliographies have promised to index
the print proceeding in advance of its publication. And after the
publication of the proceeding, print copies will also be sent to
databases like IEE INSPEC, Engineering Index (EI), DBLP and ISI Thomson
Scientific for indexing. The accepted papers will also be considered
for publication in the special issues of the journal Engineering
Letters. Some participants may also be invited to submit extended
version of their conference papers for considering as book chapters
(soon after the conference).

The following conferences are held as parts of the WCECS 2007:

International Conference on Chemical Engineering 2007

ICCS'07 International Conference on Circuits and Systems 2007

ICCB'07 International Conference on Computational Biology 2007

International Conference on Computer Science and Applications 2007

International Conference on Communications Systems and Technologies

International Conference on Education and Information Technology 2007

International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Applications

International Conference on Intelligent Automation and Robotics 2007

International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Technologies 2007

International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis 2007

International Conference in Modeling Health Advances 2007

International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control 2007

International Conference on Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering

International Conference on Soft Computing and Applications 2007

International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering
Management 2007


WCECS 2007 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors
are invited to submit their draft paper in full paper (any appropriate
style) to WCECS{at} by 6 July, 2007. The submitted file can be
in MS Word format, PS format, or PDF formats.

The first page of the draft paper should include:
(1) Title of the paper;
(2) Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author;
(3) A maximum of 5 keywords of the paper.

Also, the name of the conference that the paper is being submitted to
should be stated in the email.

Important Dates:

Proposals for special conference sessions and tutorials deadline: 28
February, 2007
Draft Paper Submission Deadline: 6 July, 2007
Camera-Ready papers & Pre-registration Due: 30 July, 2007
WCECS 2007: 24-26 October, 2007

It is our target that the reviewing process and the result notification
for each submitted manuscript can be completed within one month from
its submission.

More details about the WCECS 2007 can be found at:

More details about the International Association of Engineers, the
journal Engineering Letters and the IAENG International Journal of
Computer Science can be found at:

It will be highly appreciated if you can circulate these calls for
papers to your colleagues.